
That’s 100% an ejection. Both should be in the locker room. Super Easy call. If the league gives 1 shit about player safety, he’s going to be suspended.

I was just thinking Bears fans are probably used to seeing QBs complete 4 passes and win.

Am I the only one who thinks that should be his last game?

I’m more offended by Walmart shoppers in flag-patterned spandex than I am in someone taking a knee because people are getting gunned down in broad daylight.

FFS. I was hoping the Browns would trade him at the deadline to a team that needed an OT to help push for a Championship run. The man has been a beast for them and deserves a ring.

Any time I see the words “Dead at X” and X is less than like 70... It just makes me sad. It’s just too young.

Worse than Ed McCaffery or Marcus Lattimore? (who’s name I forgot but Googled “south carolina running back torn knee” and it knew. God I love Google.)

So that confirms I won’t be watching this...

I demand my good players last more then 3-4 years.

How can I blame this on UNC’s fake classes?

I’m a big fan of analyzing players and all, but this felt like a macrogame issue more than just an individual player problem. I have no idea what the plan was with leaving Jayce to get repeatedly ganked, ultimately losing lane and letting Cho snowball. I just didn’t understand the strategy.

His fake degree doesn’t enable him to spell words correctly.

Someone should tell Ben that Halloween is in a few weeks. He can practice his costume during practice.

And I thought this was to an LA Football game.

It’s a bit strong to call Dwight Howard a superstar anymore.

I did one (drove a truck) and do two (wear camo - for work!, and love sports but fall asleep to the NBA... and the MLB). I’m probably a racist :(

The article never says it was a Redskins fan, but someone at the game. Could have been a Chiefs fan, a Cowboys fan, or a Trump fan.

All I’m going to say is the same could be said by some people about taking knee. The solution to all of this is to actually think about the message being presented at all times. Sometimes, these highly paid guys that run and throw balls have good messages and sometimes not.

I did something silly and added Sour Cream, which surprisingly works well.