
The calls today were so questionable. I don’t complain about the referees often - but this was one game where the calls all seemed to come at critical junctures and none of them were obviously must calls. So frustrating.

The draft is the best worst thing for the NBA and other sports. The alternatives are just bad.

This had to be intentional. Good catch.

You’re exactly what I hate - and exactly what I respect. The sport is shit, but Pitino is only playing the game better than others. I’ll give you an example outside of this. The NCAA still has done nothing to North Carolina for their fake classes (and quite frankly, fake degrees). Julius Peppers leaked transcript

Until they dole out the punishment and he is forced to watch his new teams first game from the other side of the bench.

If he didn’t know, then he lacked institutional control of his program. He should be hit with a show cause penalty. Or better yet, a lifetime ban.

Dear NCAA... please levy a show cause penalty on this shitbag. Please.

Now that the checks aren’t coming. . .

Hopefully he goes to jail too.

This team might be better if it were 2005 again...

It may have been his choice...

Physically he likely is on a decline, but his game knowledge and all that should make him the best he’s ever been. That’s normally what happens to early thirty year old centers in the NBA with the kind of talent he had. But he just doesn’t have the makeup of a player with ‘it.’

Elite Toxic Trash. Everywhere he goes, no one wants him. You know when you are always surrounded by assholes... maybe you are the asshole? Dwight Howard is the asshole. and his talent is waning.

My source is a former employee... so take it with a grain of salt, but a lot of people (according to him) forget that Toys R US sells video games and consoles. Might be worth a look if you have one near by.

Cheering for a loser is such a Cleveland thing to do.

People said the same stupid shit right before Peyton Manning retired.

The problem with Kaepernick is similar (not identical) to Tim Tebow. I know this will get a lot of hate because Kaepernick is a better QB, but the idea is simple: if you aren’t good enough to be a top 25 QB in the NFL, you are basically a backup. And the NFL doesn’t want backup that generate media attention.

The only person who has made Kaepernick look as good as many websites claim is now in college... (I still think he’s a top 64 QB in the NFL and should have a job...)

Retention beyond 1 year is something like 15%. When you are dealing with freshman level mathematics, a parent that hasn’t seen math in 15+ years is likely not a good resource.

The problem is - that children do not have homework based on their individual needs, but the needs of the whole.