
She really feels like the super backup plan. If things go wrong with everything else, she becomes one of the White walkers and then stabs the Night King with a dragonglass knife.

Remember what Dany said right at the start of the episode. Heroes make dumb mistakes.

Pre-puberty, all kids are ‘ok’ at sports (baring learning challenges or physical issues). If parents think they are going to groom the next Michael Phelps by drowning their child at the pool at age 3, then nature has a nice surprise for them in approximately a decade.

He is a defensive lineman, though. It’s at least better than an offensive lineman and a special teams player.

Did you see the left just dump on their moderates for not supporting HRC/Bernie? Or for whatever else? Moderates are a dirty word on both sides. They look at them as weak. You think X should be done, but you’ll settle for less than X?!?!

I know I said it, because there was no way I thought there was any chance someone that said and did the dumb shit he said and did during the campaign would ever win.

I think it was Bill Parcells, but some famous coach said something like “It doesn’t matter how talented they are. How much you scout them, what they did in college, etc. No one really knows how they will perform when you pay them all that money and put them in the spotlight.”

If I were an NFL GM, there is no way I am drafting a guy that plays 10 snaps a game (by design) in the 1st or 2nd round. Round 3 if a coach is willing to stake himself to him and round 4 is we really like him but not enough to bet a career on him.

The Raiders inability to draft doesn’t mean Janikowski should be the rule for everyone. He’s an exception based on the Silver and Black’s incompetence.

In order to justify being a first round pick as a kicker, they’d have to be able to drastically change the field position game (like Ray Guy did at the time).

This feels like Cutler is demanding more money or he will just stay retired.

Please vote to keep Trump U(NC) off of this list. #FakeClasses

Playing favorites? No way. They’re totally unbiased. That’s why an institution like UNC (Chapel Hill) can completely defraud the academic system by setting up fake classes for athletes (where players like Julius Peppers can graduate without being able to read...), all in the name of their program...

There already is a salary cap. It’s $0. And they already bypass it.

One interpretation is Jon and Daenerys, but the other is Whitewalkers and Dragons.

The best moment wasn’t Jon and Khaalesi or Jamie and Olenna. The best moment was Sam and Marwyn. ‘How did you heal him?’ ‘RTFM.’

Two of the worst Presidents of Basketball operations are both within the last 20 years of Knicks Basketball: Isaiah Thomas and Phil Jackson. Impressive.

Considering where Tebow is right now... he might want to consider never taking a knee again.

Kaepernick wasn’t the only person protesting. Why do they have jobs and he doesn’t?