
I’m pretty sure the NCAA rules only allow the NCAA to profit from his likeness.

High school pitchers, regardless how ‘once in a lifetime’ they are, rarely make it to the majors. Then again, he could decide to go to college.

I think it’s terrifying that someone would have those guns and body armor together, unless he somehow has a side job as a body guard (given his NBA talent, it might be a good idea for him...)

The crazy part is that the bulk of those matches are against really good players.

The 5s in the 90s would be gassed in the new NBA. Can you imagine fat Shaq having to play both sides at the tempo the modern NBA can play at? Get back on defense to try to find KD? And then let him shoot the jumper?

Most government officials write in an active voice, predominantly. So this is normal to them.

When is UNC going to be punished for academic fraud and complete lack of institutional control over their sports programs???

“I paid you to tell me I am right, but with numbers.”

I don’t think the facts are aimed at the alt-right. I think they are for the advertisers dropping their dollar figures with ESPN, because of the notion that people are running away from ESPN’s “liberal bias.”

That’s always the case. The bulk of the fan base is casuals. The problem is that this NBA just isn’t attracting casuals like it used to. I think the finals will get big draws because both teams are really talented, have ‘exciting’ players, and are in some big areas (socal, midwest).

I wonder if the viewership totals are like the 90s again or not.

Prisoners imply they are in prison. I’m much more for black sites for these assholes. Let the CIA extract what he knows about the aliens.

Well, the crazy acting didn’t start after he was arrested. I mean, he killed people because they looked foreign. That’s pretty fucking crazy. (just not in the legal sense, which you mean)

“Free Speech or Die.” (One of those will hopefully be arranged shortly)

I get that Nintendo loves their platform, but if they sold PC controllers and had a steam like store, I think I’d spend a few thousand probably. I get that this might not be what they want, but I’d spend $$$$$$$.

I just wish they would charge more than $20 a year. Like, take my money. I want to play a bunch of classic Nintendo titles (especially gamecube, which I never played). But they just won’t sell them to me.

Bodies break down differently, but past 35 very few actual athletes are near the top of their game. It happens but is rare.

But that is obvious, because there are no gays in Russia.

I can explain it easier: He got old.

Field sobriety tests are asking you to perform basic things (talking, thinking, moving) to prove you are sober. While you might not have been able to complete the test, you may have been able to prove sobriety by just sounding sober, showing functional motor skills, and rational thinking.