
Because jet fuel doesn’t melt steelers dreams...

And traded a first round pick for... Trent Richardson.

It was their crying over deflategate banner.

All of the sunglasses I’ve lost. :(

I know it doesn’t fit the motif of bashing the Trumps around here, but I hope it was something nice for the 44th First Lady of the United States. (also, I don’t see a blue and white box as ‘tacky’) By all accounts, the Obamas were amazing in their helping the Trumps in the transition period. I appreciate it and I hope

6" stilettos.

He has to start bitching now, because if he doesn’t... he will have to play catch up after they get stomped by 30.

I hate when people try to hide behind being ‘not politically correct’ when they are just breaking laws. Things that are illegal are still illegal, regardless of ‘correctness’.

I can’t imagine having my relationship soured between my family and me because of a hot girlfriend.

I can understand that, Jordan. It’s really hard having other people compare you to your younger brother when he’s more successful.

$200 a month is a better cost to size ratio that my apartment.

Hopefully they got film on him because he might be the next Chargers QB.

I can’t wait for Almaty to pay $50 billion to host the Olympics in 2022.

But NBC refused to show the issues in Brazil while covering the Olympics, so you’ll just get a LifeLock infomercial.

9 days until the unofficial part is removed. Then he becomes Clown in Chief.

I’m disappointed no one made the joke about Putin stealing something from Hillary Clinton (the election).

That machine provides 0 value to anyone. I don’t understand how they sell it. No athlete in the world benefits in any way from it.

I’m honestly curious about this. I know some will claim mysoginy, but I generally wonder if a professional fighter at sub 120lbs would last very long against a moderately in shape person of 100+ more than them. Fighting is a lot about how you respond to getting punched in the face and technique, but I just have to

I used to apply this kind of logic to movies until someone pointed out all of the Superhero movies where the hero (male) could fly. Or had lazer eyes. or something else.

Only if you think that a Cold War style Civil War is a better outcome.