
Julius Peppers heard of that... once.

If it contained classified material in his email, he can go rot in jail, too. Contrary to what this site seems to believe, the US Code is very clear about that... it’s disqualifying to be President.

There were a few passes to rbs that I couldnt help wonder if Collins could have covered better...

Brady makes it if he gets a good snap.

I agree that it could have been opi or dpi but why not both? I’m obviously biased as a fan but I’m genuinely curious why both players were not flagged and the down replayed. No one ever asks the question.

Don’t forget the Bush family.

The more you belittle moderate Americans the less success you will have in the 2018 and 2020 election cycles. The American right has been using this tactic for ages and look where it has gotten us with Middle Eastern Terrorist.

I wonder how many OSU fans are celebrating the UM loss not realizing that it means they do not control their destiny to the Big 10 title game now...

Given this current playoff race landscape, A 0-loss PAC-12 champion is going to be in the discussion. Because the tournament committee loves conference champions and the other teams vying for that 4th seed likely will not be conference champions, I have to believe that Washington has the edge. But they’re about to

OSU is only in if they beat Michigan. Clemson is still going to get in when they win the ACC (assuming they don’t lose any more games). Alabama and maybe UW are the other final 4 teams.

If Louisville loses (down 3 field goals at half), then it’s going to be Alabama, UM, UW, OSU.

Clemson isn’t the nations best team. They’re top 10.

I was bitter after NC State blew their chance to knock of Clemson at home by missing a routine field goal. While it doesn’t make up for it, seeing Clemson lose to Pitt kinda confirms what I thought: they’re not an elite team. They’re are very good team that sleeps on average teams.

I can’t imagine a high percentage of NYC voted for him...

No one knows. Literally. It would be an immediate Constitutional crisis.

They’re too addicted to the poison that is politics.

That was before the Republicans blocked a SCOTUS nominee and before John McCain claimed the Republicans would block any attempt to nominate someone to the SCOTUS.

Can we also post pictures of all of the destruction rioters have caused before Trump is even allowed to take office?

And 3/4s of the state governors.

Jamie Collins will be exciting when he does something just insane like jump over both lines and block a field goal attempt.