
“The difference is Clinton has a policy”

Thanks for the Wikipedia quote, dailykos!

The problem is that you are taking a statement that has merit and turning it into one that has none.

Mr. Trump, like most things, is just blathering incompetently about what he’s saying. I can state for a fact that he is wrong in many ways about what he’s talking about. I like that he talks about wanting to put an emphasis on cyber (an issue I see as far under represented in the news) but it has 0 substance.

Most coaches lament the loss of a player on their team because even if the player is the backup waterboy they provide something of value to the team. Nick Saban is just glad to get that scholarship spot back.

The best thing I learned from debate is that the #1 strategy is “Claymore Impact.” Maybe that wasn’t it... The cute girl that taught me this had a bit of a lisp and I have a hearing disability (I don’t listen to people)

Given some of the debate cases I wrote against local competition (in ‘01-’04)... no. Not even when they are competitive debaters. (I would have expected more than a few of them probably failed their English Composition classes, and I’s not even gud @ writin’)

I blew a tire in the middle of nowhere my sophomore year in college. I was a strong young man who could change it, but I know near 0% about cars. I didn’t even know how a jack worked, where to put it, how high to pump it, how to unbolt the tire, (where the spare was on my truck...), etc. I would definitely recommend

Let me preface all of this by saying 3 things: I am very independent. I am very different than my parents (they are art people [one with a bfa], I am pure mathematics and software engineering degree holder with literally zero common interests). I love both of my parents a lot.

Or someone gets held up at gun point and their (gold) medal stolen.

Because deadspin likes to bring back old/dead articles as suggested reading. I’ll comment on your old comment.

That’s more than you can say for Rio.

Do you know what the difference between pizza lunchables and dead bodies are?

White Cheddar Cheez-its are definitely an adult food. Kids can fuck off.

I can’t see why it took him so long to sign. I mean what happens if Geno Smith, Bryce Petty, or Christian Hackenburg actually get to take the field?! That offer might go up.

But why you are brining up Deflategate?

Driving in DC (and Baltimore) should be considered a form of attempted suicide.

You (unless you die before the average age of women at which women die in the US) will see the first woman President. Even if Hillary loses.

It amazes me how much other conservatives (hell, right wingers in general) attack Hillary. They fall into the basic tropes of her being a woman and it’s sad.

They have issues because the literal thing he was fighting against is what is clearly behind the person who won the nomination.