
Some of the competitors are getting an unfair advantage by having the sewage in their rooms!

This is a cycling tour of France. He just cycled his peds better.

That’ll be a first time in the modern (post Steinbrenner purchase) Yankees organization!

I would argue having a VP from a critical state (VA) is a bigger deal. Taking a VP from a state that HRC stands no chance to win (see TX) would have not mattered nor taking a VP from a state she has no chance to lose (See MA). 0.5 a point could be the difference between winning and losing VA and maybe the election.

The thing is, there are a lot of democrats that are considering not voting for HRC.

Sec Clinton is very smart politically to move center with her pick (to gain votes) but also to pick up a leader in a key state (VA, NC, OH, PA, FL) as her VP. This pick will annoy those on the left as he is very centrist (and also white, straight, protestant, male), but this will once again improve HRCs chances of

If anything, this makes them look like assholes. But it certainly doesn’t point to any trust issues. They’re willing to publish the entire leak, regardless of how it makes them look.

Are you actually advocating for someone to harm more people because they already harmed some or are you talking about how gawker should publish the news regardless of party?

It’s unfair to blame the accessory? Those people will have identity theft problems for years now because Wikileaks published it...

Docker. Docker is amazing for virtualization. I would suggest everyone watch a video on it.

I thought he was going to make the bold claim that he would play 82 games this season.

They should suspend all of the doping Russians from the Summer Olympics, but they certainly shouldn’t suspend the ones that don’t... like the curling team.

I think you misspelled Democrats. Post signing the ACA into law, insurance cost have skyrocketed, in spite of the softening that was supposed to occur by forcing the young healthy individuals to buy health insurance and closing out cheaper nuclear policies in favor of forcing ones intended for older individuals.

I am not big into conspiracies, but the one I do like is that the entire Trump campaign was designed to make the RNC look bad to help get HRC elected. Like I’m actually suggesting someone is paying billions so she can be the first woman POTUS.

If I were going to rip off a recent first lady, Ms Obama would have been #1. She’s very well spoken. Highly intelligent.

Vouchers are literally not a bandaid. It’s about optimizing the education meeting your child’s needs. Many countries with better education systems do it. And the others just force their ‘less performing’ students into job tracks.

ADs and coaches daughters don’t get hit though. It’s just other women. So it’s really not a big issue.

Kicking an elite player off of a team hurts the other 79 players. He only beat 1 woman. I can’t even see how it’s fair to punish 79 people to do something that won’t unhurt 1. (sarcasm... in case you were not sure)

Not trying to apologize for this. I am just saying that this tactic has been around for a while and we are now just getting around to really hammering it. The AD/coach/School Police/Boosters/etc use tactics like this to scare the victims.