
kinky = great?

Trump is signaling to the gays that he is all about them. He’s great for the gays. There has never been anyone better for the gays. (apologies to anyone who is homosexual. I was imitating Trump)

Demographics tend to vote for their particular demographic leader, though. High percentages at least.

I’d love to see the US catch the countries that have better education systems than us. We should do what other countries ahead of us do: school vouchers.

Why not point out how she supported the legislation that lead to the collapse of the American economy in the mid 00s? I just think there are better attacks on HRC than making fun of something that will cause women to rally around her.

All ‘bout Clinton. ABC.

I’ve been saying this for a long time, but the spat with Megyn Kelly killed his hope of winning. Young, Conservative women are not interested in him. He will lose swing states because of the record lows they will turn out in.

If you want to be a professional basketball player, just shoot better.

You’re answers can only incriminate yourself. Why? Because anything that might assist in exonerating yourself will be objected to by the prosecution as “hearsay”

He may be very guilty. And he certainly looks it. But everyone should exercise their right to the 5th amendment as nothing you say in a court room will ever help you. Good lawyers on the opposition will make sure of it.

I don’t think it’s what he did. I think it’s what they can prove. At this point, the amount of evidence you would have in a court room and how long you can drag on a case impacts the cost to the university (they have to pay expensive lawyers and auditors... and other staff).


Want to see the flaming ensue? Kobe wasn’t even the best player on his own team. Let alone in the NBA.

Tim Duncan may be the greatest boring player ever. He didn’t beat his wife. He didn’t get caught in an affair. He wasn’t doped out. The guy is in the conversation for best post-Jordan player and the Spurs rest rotation got more coverage than him.

She should try out for the women’s shot put team.

Judging his kinks are we?

former refers to his life. He is a Marine from the years 1980 to 1984. Think of it this way. Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. In 10 years (assuming he’s still living), he will still be the 44th president of the united states. He isn’t “Former President.” Just because the 44th POTUS isn’t

The correct way to write it is “USMC Sargent (1980-1984)“ as he isn’t dead (ie former) nor was he retired. So many people fuck this up, especially when calling someone who has served as POTUS but not passed “former”.