
I think Talib is a douche who is hotheaded and borderline cancerous but still a talented CB. I’m glad NE let him go to get Revis (who I wish we would have paid and played beside Butler)

He knows. He can’t admit it because he’s just collecting checks now.

I’m not taking a position either way, but this kind of thing is why the NFL is trying to get rid of special teams.

It’s career ending. I guess that makes it worse.

If only bill pollian was still the Colts GM to get the competition committee to make it illegal.

You spelled Troy Polamalu wrong.

Please, tell me who the Broncos have beaten?

That bad choice was not banning Fiora.

I thought I was the only one that noticed that.

3 of the top 15 are within “4 hours” of one another. (‘4 hours’ under perfect road conditions, ie the middle of the night) Traffic here in the DMV area is just not fun and it’s not really much better in the surrounding areas.

I think you mean 295. You might as well walk than drive on MD295.

I don’t know about running, but it certainly has hurt my performance while weight lifting. I lost at least ~30 lbs on my squat on nights when I was <3 hours total, and that’s at 270lb squats. It really wasn’t just about 1 night’s sleep either. It was about the week’s sleep.

At least the kid didn’t have a jersey of a child abuser like AP.

Probably didn’t want the fan measuring the air pressure to find out other teams deflate/overinflate balls too.

Not in the mass that males did. And even less so competitively. Women at tournaments and in competitive play is ‘new’ (at the level it currently is). Call this anecdotal if you want, but all of the “pro”s I know will tell you this.

I think I have this one confused with another place.

What it proves is that women didn’t play video games years ago and thus the talent pool of players (at the elite level) is barren.

I’m tempted to build one as a ‘gift’ for my housemate.

Not that bad if you know a bit of Windows scripting trickery.

Finally. I know I can be a bitter NC State Alumni at times, but if you look at the Julius Peppers’ leaked transcripts, you knew something really fishy was going on.