Der Weiße Engel

Only in rare circumstances (huge medical bills or something like that) does filing separately make sense. The “marriage penalty” applies no matter which method is used.


I hope you are not implying that there is a decision between “married filing separately” and “married filing jointly”. It rarely makes any sense to file separately if you’re married. An exception would be if one spouse has large medical bills or something else that can push them over a deduction floor.

“I feel like the world is conspiring against those of us on Team Night Owl.”

This belongs in a “Best of the Year” compilation.

Blah blah blah

What a boring world it would be without pro sports.

Plan B: marry an Israeli woman. She could probably fold, spindle and mutilate your Uncle Danny.

Me too. It’s a “fav”.

And in addition you’re all set if the Saracens should attack.

And in addition you’re all set if the Saracens should attack.

Nobody is forcing you to come to the US.

This. It’s also true at JFK and Newark (or was, last time I went through them).

This article is ludicrous. “simply felt more connected to their finances”? What does that mean? I go into the actual bank building MAYBE once a year and I’m plenty connected to my finances. I don’t care about my credit card interest rate because I never pay interest on credit cards (and, if you are, you have a bigger

I’ve learned that there’s an inverse relationship between the number of random humans I need to interact with on any given day and how well that day goes. You may say I’m anti-social, but I’m not the only one.

The close cabinet gene only exists on the Y chromosome.

For chip bags, at least, it’s because we know that we’re probably going to be back for some more in a minute.

Actually, we haven’t had a whole lot of snow this year, just Gronk and stories about what Brady eats and stories about how big Brady’s house is and stories about them auctioning off Brady’s underwear and stories about how much Giselle and Brady make and stories about Brady’s adorable children playing hockey and

All of you should try living up here where as you go about your day you see his face (with that ridiculous somewhere-between-shit-eating-and-anencephalic grin) on a billboard/bus shelter/bench every 15 seconds.

It’s not trivial to support landscape mode, you basically need to relayout the screen, but it’s not that hard, and should be pretty straightforward for Apple itself.

My real reason for the request is to avoid the United States (“We Deliver for You”) Post Office. The package tracking status is a fairy tale. “Delivered”? No, it wasn’t. “Unable to deliver because there was no secure place and nobody was home”? I was home all day and the front steps are perfectly secure.