Der Weiße Engel

Must be a regional thing.

This is what we call a three-lane highway:

Remember when the Craftsman hand tools were Made in America and had a Lifetime Warranty?

Remember when the Craftsman hand tools were Made in America and had a Lifetime Warranty?

You, sir, are on a serious roll.

Everybody go out and watch The Thirteenth Floor.

Plenty of three-lane highways around here.

Oddly enough, this video reminded me of the bridge replacements on 93 they did a few years back, where they replaced one bridge a weekend for 12 straight weeks, using similar techniques. And it all went off without a hitch.

That sucks, no doubt. But you are not looking at it the right way.

Do they still have the weird spooky tune that plays when the lights are about to switch, which causes everybody to scatter? That and all the taxis revving their engines and turning their head lights back on.

Unless I’m reading it wrong (it is confusing), the new rules on “file and suspend” don’t apply to people born before April 30, 1950.


When I first started working, back in the day, a meter high disk drive cabinet which stored 1(one, uno) GB was state of the art.

When I first started working, back in the day, a meter high disk drive cabinet which stored 1(one, uno) GB was state

I thought about this some more and I guess I do see your point. A true proof would say something like “there is no such colorization because if there were, then that would imply something which is contradictory to something else already known to be true.” Like the proof of Fermat’s theorem.

It’s the Pythagorean Theorem generalized, basically the law of cosines.

Not sure I get this. They’ve showed a counterexample. The assertion is false BECAUSE there is at least one counterexample. What more WHY can there be? How can you prove a negative of this assertion by any other way than showing a counterexample?

That was a lot of money in the 80's.

Scratch this...I guess every number can be part of a pythagorean triple, so it’s the same thing.

You don’t literally need to check every possible coloring of all the numbers, you just need to check out all the pythagorean triples, correct? This greatly reduces the size of the search space.

If you’re nervous, get there early. Bring a book.

“as a shortcut, halve the number of calories and that gives you the percent”