Der Weiße Engel

Oh, totally agree, specially with that “Hamill and Fisher needed Star Wars” and yet I wonder why Ford rejected that fame but I guess to each his own.

Possessed by self righteous demons.

I hate how other people live different lives than me.

This reminds me of the movie the 13th floor.

I watched that movie years ago.

I got all depressed when I read this, and jumped off a building. But I’m back. Must have had another guy.

I saw this pop up this morning:

Argument against: If true, I must be a character in the most boring video game in all the universes, Cubicle Drone III. Whoever is behind my controller must be asleep already.

The digital-rectal exam feels like a finger prick as well.

Social security was initially sold as a ‘compact between the generations,’ and it’s worked pretty well except for stupid griping. The fact of the matter is, it’s worked to keep a lot of seniors out of poverty, and enabled them to lead more independent lives.

I think you and I have a different view of society, so there’s that. What would you do about kids or about folks who were injured or sick and could no longer work to support themselves? I’m independent but I tithe and give to charity because I realize that not everyone had the benefits of being raised by parents who

I see this all the time, people who don’t get government services and wonder where their taxes go. Do you drive on roads? Do you receive police protection? Is there an army and a government looking out for your national interests? Are there fire services? If you run a business, are there educated people you can hire

You know as a boomer I never once regretted the money I paid in that went to your parents and grandparents, so go screw yourself stupid.

My democratic party? Lol. When did that happen?

Fuck that. IMS is private property and they should pay people, out of the revenues of their for-profit event, to clean up. Why should anyone subsidize this effort with free labor?

People born in ‘88 aren’t grown men. They’re still chi-

Yeah, I’m with you there. We live in a scary time where there is a big fight happening between reasonably rational people and the forces of the anti-enlightenment. I hope the latter doesn’t win; their views are predicated on rejecting reality to advance their short-term greed to the detriment of everyone else.

Good Lord, could the y-axes on that chart be any more misleading?

You really need to read your Adam Smith: “It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”

And this TSA fiasco is not a product of under-funding. It is a holdup by public employees that we should not tolerate.

It’s a logical proof, sure. But the point of contention is around a mathematical proof being the application of logic to known mathematical rules to show new mathematical rules and not an exhaustive search for counter examples.