Der Weiße Engel

Why not just bring, say, lighter fluid? Much cheaper as well.

But does it save it and treat it as an email? So if I’m in One Note, can I bring up the saved email and from there respond to it or forward it, or delete it from the email server, or whatever else can be done in an email client?

I don’t see why they wouldn’t, since they have an iOS app. If and when an Amazon video appears I will be the first one to pull out my credit card.

Not sure about that (but thanks for the suggestion), as I can stream Netflix like gangbusters, and stream Amazon to my iMac for hours flawlessly (in fact it’s a very reasonable alternative to the big screen), it’s the Airplay connection itself, as the phone suddenly loses awareness of the Airplay target and reverts to

Got it, thanks. For me, at least, AirPlay with video is wonky enough to make watching a 2 hour movies quite difficult. Rarely does it last long enough before spontaneously disconnecting, requiring the “power-on-power-off” 2 step to get working again.

When will we get an Amazon Video app?

If you’re getting a tax refund big enough to open an investment account, you’re already screwing up. Lower your witholding amount and put the extra amount from each check towards your savings etc. Why give the government an interest free loan and give up the returns you could be getting in the meantime?

Does this include drinking out, like the guys in the picture?

Don't know, not a Microsoft guy, but thanks.

2a. No reply-all thank you or congratulations emails.

If someone can integrate an email client into Evernote, allowing me to use Evernote’s full organizational tools (tagging, searches, etc.) on emails alongside my regular notes, while also still treating them as emails that can be responded to and forwarded, they will rule the world.

Or you could just get your ass out of bed like a grownup.

Howbout snapping a picture?

Good God, what is this, a Hermits ‘R Us convention?

‘What’s so good to me as this? What ever has been? What else has kept away the cold on bitter nights, and driven hunger off in starving times? What else has given me the strength and courage of a man, when men would have left me to die, a puny child? I should never have had a man’s heart but for this. I should have

You can always spend it with your two good friends: Jack Daniels and Jim Beam.


Going in tomorrow to get a crown put on so thanks for the pic!

How is building your own PC “risky” to anything but your wallet? You might create a malevolent cyborg which turns on its creator?

Not if it’s wrong. People need to proofread their comments, and also their emails.