Can we please get this on the desktop now?
Can we please get this on the desktop now?
There’s also the “crying” rule. Agents don’t like to see customers cry, so if they say they can’t accomodate you, try crying. Sometimes things magically open up. I’ve seen it work.
Along with liquor stores, one of the only two completely recession-proof industries.
I’d like to see someone really get away with this at Disney World. They run a pretty tight ship.
If you take compound interest into account, the numbers are even worse.
My old long hair cat could shed on demand, I finally decided. She would come in from outside, do this sort of weird ninja twist/shake, and instantaneously shed about 1/2 pound of fur on the floor.
My mum worked in a small-box department store for many years and people used to do things like come in the week after Christmas with an empty TV box and claim “I got it home and opened it and the box was empty”
What, no Festivus?
What, no Festivus?
“whoever smelt it, dealt it.”
So we can finally find out what color the dress is?
But your benefit is capped as well. Run the calculation for “benefit received as percentage of what’s paid in” and you’ll see that it’s extremely progressive. To use your example, the person making 250K pays SS tax on ~120K of his income, but gets nowhere near twice what the person making 60K gets. So the higher…
The benefit is also based on your income during the years you paid in (and therefore the amount you paid). And the amount of benefit does not scale linearly with your amount of income. There are brackets like taxes, and the multiplier goes down in the higher brackets.
Progressive meaning that lower income participants pay lower taxes compared to their benefits than higher income participants pay. Someone paying in twice as much doesn’t get anywhere near twice the benefit.
Not to mention that even now it’s extremely progressive regarding benefits.
If they remove the cap on taxable earnings, will they also remove the cap on earnings used to calculate your benefit?
Bad luck to kill a spider.
Jack Daniels...carry a flask. Been a tried and true solution for a long time.
I thought all the TV money was shared equally among the teams.
“apples-n-razor-blades scare of the 70s”