Der Weiße Engel

So it’s alright after all to stew a kid in its mother’s milk?

And if none of that works:

Seriously, is there some evil algorithm that always makes transfers involve the longest possible walk? I always seem to go from the outermost gate on some concourse to the outermost gate on some other concourse which is furthest away. It’s uncanny. At Newark, I guess they figured the maximum walk wasn’t already long

I’ve always had Fords. Then I married a Lexus afficianado. All my Fords have been trouble free, and meanwhile all the Lexi have been constant money-pits.

They’re mechanically identical except for some teeny tiny difference in the Lexus parts which makes them:

You’re not housebroken?

Pssst. Don’t tell anyone, but pretty everything in life is 99% robbery.

Do you really want someone to post a list of all 3125 possible recipes? ‘Cause that’s what’s gonna’ happen soon.

Eastern Massachusetts. Around here 200K will get you a delapitated one bedroom condo in a shady neighborhood.

This. At day’s end it’s a lifestyle choice, not a financial one. If you want to own your own home, do whatever it takes to buy one. If you’d rather rent, do that. As for me, I love the fact that I own my home and that there’s a line in the ground that says “You, stay on the other side, this part’s mine”. And I can do

“houses cost around 200,000 around here. “

Roller Derby? Do you get to break chairs over people's heads and launch them out of the rink into the crowd?

Take care of your teeth. This is the voice of experience talking.

Wear it all the time, and I'm nowhere near 80. No complaints from the wife.

Old Spice Deodorant.

Here’s a solution - get your witholding right so that you don’t give the govenment a big interest-free loan every year. Then you might have enough money during the year to, say, make payments on the loans?

Method: wanted to, and did

This. It also removes the obligation to reveal basically my entire financial life to the government.

Go to jail, go directly to jail.