Der Weiße Engel

A businessman was on holiday in some island, and struck up a conversation with a local fisherman at a bar. The fisherman related how he usually only worked half the day and then spent the rest of the time hanging out with his family or relaxing on the beach. The businessman was suprised and said “You could work

You had to use the UK version of Monopoly for a story about US taxes?

Well, it is just another area code.

I'm sure the Canadians will be happy to know that they are part of the US now.

Yes, you should take it apart periodically and vacuum out all the various...oh wait a minute...

And if all that fails:

I know, you're right.

Sorry, that should read "interest-free" loan.

P.S. - Aren't taxes supposed to be imposed under the CONSENT of the governed?

My suggestion was implausible, I admit. It was just intended to point out how the withholding process effectively hides what's going on from most people. Then throw in the refund "giveaway" which makes it even more palatable.

Why on earth would you give the government such a big tax-free loan every year?

The whole witholding/refund thing is a scam the government foists upon the taxpayers. A big refund is not a "windfall" it's repayment of a tax free loan you gave the government by having too much taken out of your pay. I figure if I owe them $100 then I did it perfectly.

You need to use the button/whatever on the bluetooth device itself to pick up the call. If you pick up on the phone itself it will be in phone mode.

Of course. Tax is based on "assessed" value which may not exactly correspond to the market value. From what I've seen most towns set the assessed value at some <100 percent of the market, so, yes, 12 mils on the actual market value is probably right on.

Take that back - actually seems a bit low, most towns are in the 15-16 mil range.

Seems pretty spot on (12 mils) for my county (Essex).

Well, at least they're deductible.

If I hadn't anything to eat in 11 days I would still hold out for something better than broccoli.

You're not the only one.

Yes. Hell yes. Graduated in the mid-80's from a top tier engineering school with "only" $10K in debt. Easiest loan I ever paid off.