Der Weiße Engel

IRA deductibility phases out at higher income levels (and these levels are fairly low for married couples).

And if you don't end up using all the paint in the can?

Wait until you "grow up" and have your own kids, get divorced, and get remarried. Everything (permutations, hurt feelings, simmering resentments) gets multiplied by 2 (or maybe squared?). My wife (second marriage for us both) is Jewish, while I'm "Christian" so the religious holidays are no sweat, but Thanksgiving -

How about states where it's legal to misspell "corporal"?

What about liking to eat?

You'll have to pay a currency exchange fee to do this.

Ha ha...another one of those stories where the comments run along the lines of:

Proclip. Seriously, don't screw around with anything else.

Proclip. Seriously, don't screw around with anything else.

I see what you did there.

4 years. And both girls.

Jewish proverb: Little kids, little problems, big kids, big problems. And so true.

My experience was exactly the opposite. Having two kids for me was like having one kid times 1.1. You already have zero time for yourself with one kid, how can you have any less?

Does anybody know if it's possible to "rename" a list entry. E.g. - I have several items with the same very looooooong URL except for the last segment (http://<blahblahblah>/foo and http://<blahblahblah>/bar

Donate it to the Salvation Army or the like.

And nobody should have to apologize for trading money for time. I can make more of the former, but not the latter.

I worked with a guy who swore up and down that they changed the Chinese Horoscopes on the placemats to "Year of the Rooster" only because he was in a Chinese restaurant when he was little and yelled at the top of his lungs "Hey, I was born in the year of the COCK"!


Seriously, everybody needs to come on up to Massachusetts. 1000 points to anybody not from Massachusetts who can get all the following correct:

My French brother-in-law said that's because French scribes in the middle ages got paid by the letter.

I've never heard any native English speaker older than about six say "Ko Lo Nell"