Der Weiße Engel

Aha! But in Pennsylvania, there is indeed a township, Worcester, pronounced "wor-chest-er" so there. I grew up right next to it, and man was I confused when I first moved to Massachusetts.

And then try taking them to Canada, which requires a notarized letter from the other parent with all kinds of information before they'll let you in.

You don't need your Social Security card to apply for a passport. Just proof of citizenship (which a SS card is *not*) and government issued photo ID (like a driver's license). And you don't have to send your actual driver's license in, just a photocopy.

What exactly is "almost" no grief?

So then, why do people live in places like NY and DC? Kind of goes against the "rational actor" theory all the economists like to spout.

Seriously, has anybody actually tried to check 10 50lb bags on an everyday coach class flight? I'm not a big fan of the airlines, but I wouldn't protest if the ticket agent (and all the people behind you in line) slapped you silly for trying it.

I could have written this article. And I can also write the advanced course: do this in a foreign country where you don't speak the language, and you're the only one who doesn't.

In my experience, there is an inverse relationship between the amount spent on the wedding and the chances that the marriage will succeed.

When my daughter was about 3, she loved to talk on the phone. So whenever a telemarketer called, I would hand the phone to her and she would proceed to have an interesting conversation with him/her. Since they are forbidden to hang up first, this would usually chew up about 5 minutes of the telemarketer's time, and

Stick a tennis ball in the dryer with the load.

Be aware- just because they don't have access to payment info does not mean they can't cause damage.

You can turn off the NAT in the Airport Express and just have it provide a wireless access point.

I was told to "take the knuckle on your middle finger and grind it into their sternum" If they don't respond to that, chances are they're in arrest.

The last time I took a CPR class, the instructor started by saying something like:

Or, you can just use the cell phone waiting lot which most, if not all, major airports have had for about 5 years now.

Is there a way to get date-based reminders to show up on the ios calendar? Unless I can do this, I'm sticking with Informant.

I'm "lucky" enough to be married to an Israeli woman. I always thought I was a pretty good haggler, but pretty quickly realized I was a rank amateur compared to her. This is a woman who will walk away over a $5 difference on a $1500 piece of jewelry, and in the end get her price. She seems to have a sixth sense as

My wife's from Israel. Over there, to politely ask someone to "hold on a sec" (where Americans would hold up an index finger), you put all your fingers and thumb together, point them all upwards and hold them out to the person. Imagine the gesture Sonny Corleone would make while saying "What's a matta you, you

"Mayhem ensued"