
"...the Bills won't have an easy way to upgrade the QB position with a middle-of-the-pack draft pick."

I'm not a Bulls fan and I disliked Noah so much while he was at Florida. But holy shit, despite myself, he has to be my favorite non-Spur in the NBA.

In the late 90's I was a college dropout working in a factory in Central Maine (maybe we ran into each other at the Hannaford's in Waterville, Drew) when the Lewinsky scandal broke. I couldn't believe Clinton had risked his presidency for Monica and one of the older guys shook his head and said, "You hit an age when

I actually did forget that. The 912 and uncle in Metallica were two lies a kid in 5th grade told. And yea, the trifecta was dad that worked for Nintendo and could bring home secret games from Japan. But they would only play on his Nintendo which was also from Japan.

Mohammed Islam is said to be relaxing comfortably with his girlfriend, Jessica (no last name given), who is from Canada and he met at Niagara Falls during vacation. He also plans on spending Christmas break with his uncle who is in Metallica, and can get front row tickets to any concert. Mohammed will spend the time

Ah, Gawker. Where white people are the bad guys, even when they do good.

I am not sure, we better ask the black Gawker writer... Oh... Wait...

The tone and delivery of this article is confusing. What she did was...wrong? Because it was...paternalistic? Or because she asked people to not judge others based on race? Not being sarcastic here, just deeply confused by the mobius strip that is Gawker racial politics.

Well, of course his medical history was incomplete.

Deadspin is not your freshman philosophy seminar. Just FYI.

Out of context erotica.

I have just one question.

It takes real effort for the Skyline chili logo to be the third-worst sight in a photograph, but there ya go.

Wow, fuck the Rams tribute to Michael Brown and Ferguson, that's a powerful tribute to do the hands-up gesture in-game.

Pitino might actually want to watch the film and take some notes given that Savannah State was able to hold out for 15 minutes before scoring.

Am I the only person that wants Kobe to go down with a minor injury for a week, and for the team to win every game during that time? And then to see the horseshit confidence on his face when he gets asked about it? "Kobe, do you contribute the team being awesome to your ass being on the bench?"

Before everyone jumps on the "durr only in Florida LOLZ!!1!" bandwagon, let's take a second to remember that Florida is full of really, really stupid people.

Depending on how you feel about critical biblical theory, you're basically looking at it.

"And it's all based on a hallucinatory head-fuck short story from the sci-fi visionary Philip K. Dick about not being able to trust the things going on in your own brain."

I'm going to agree with you. Putting black paint on your face does not automatically make it "black face" and racist, no matter how dumb you look.