
I would like to daily drive this pls


I mean about 20% of them still die, so nah. 

Sinning and begging for forgiveness is part of the program.

Prisons are the new plantations. 

I once lived with a scouser with an accent that makes this sound like Downton Abbey. He used to roll the tobacco from his old butts into a new leftover butt that smelled like a trash fire.

$32 million! $32 million they gave this guy!

Not drinking for live music is quite weird man

You can also just buy them used ya know. Crazy thing, but babies grow up...

I just drink two of these and then drive whatever’s on hand. Just as fun!

Eh, who cares

I fire extinguished a college party I was kicked out of as a rowdy 16 year old, who found and crashed said party after driving around uPenn off-campus housing listening for loud music to find un-guarded keg beer.

More like, that inmates love to live in for 14 months in their early 20s and talk about for the rest of their suburban lives.

There are parts of the BX that you have probably never been to where you can live a non-poor life on that.

Yup. This is ABSOLUTELY what will happen.

Newsflash, it basically is. 

So, so many useless TE’s. Why?

Ugh. Dat bulge. 

Anaheim is still owned by Disney if local political reporting is correct 

Yeah but, if he had gone to an actual team, who knows?