
i am not allowed to put my hands in my pockets because that would be concealing a deadly weapon. also my girlfriend is super hot but you don’t know her.

You really put a lot of work into this

Are any of us?

“Those fans do NOT deserve this nonsense.” they do tho

‘Hit garbage’ is a good description

Dude, not only plays but is the best hitter in baseball RN. It’s crazy.

Sometimes, as in this case, that’s where the ball was thrown. They don’t have to give up all chances of making the tag to get out of the way.

Is this the closest thing you have to a job?

Both suspended 1 game for ‘fighting’, which is pretty lame.

Kemp V6.0 or whatever he is now is doing pretty awesome! Versions 2-5 were WindowsME levels of failure tho...

How would you possibly know that. Because he pulled it together for whatever doc you watched?

Parcell’s nickname for him was doom.

TIL that a lot of female wrestlers resemble the friendly ladies down at Spearmint Rhino.

That has been SoCal style for a long time. Wait until you see the slides with pulled up knee-high socks...

Kawhi has got some personality issues, if not a disorder.

At least one pre-mixed cocktail is money. Can be super cool and fancy but you don;t have to prepare it during a busy party.

Two years later, but’s whats you go to store brand St. Germain?

Up for one hour so far and flagged at least twice. Let’s use this to track how bad kinja response times are...

Oh man thank god there is FINALLY a rich white lady telling other people how to raise their kids. Can’t tell you how much of a void this fills.

I like Obama’s phrasing: “Don’t let the best be the enemy of the better”