
The old guy obviously did it, right? I can’t be the only one who immediately came to this conclusion...

It’s amazing what they can turn applesauce into in 3 hours.

Uh, no judgement but this “Because one of the things they never tell new parents is that for the first year, your new baby is going to be sick basically every other week” is not true, at least in my experience.

How about the TV flashes red at me when I am contemplating opening that pivotal one-too-many beers for a weeknight?

Latidtude does not equal weather my dude. NYC is way to goddamn cold to play outdoors during the winter.


That is amazing. The ironic text in the image AND below the image, the pose of someone about to punch someone else out, and the (now broken) hand featured prominently.


Wow, way to stand up for yourself by quitting! You really showed them! /sarcasm

This gif is the business.

“yes, it’s still America up there”. Blocked.

You are a dummy. A tankful of water is like 4 kiddie tubs worth of snow + several hours.

There are bunch of idiots in this thread who have no idea how many buckets of snow you would have to fill up to get one tank-ful of water or how much damn time it would take to melt all that snow. Snow is not ice you dummies!

This is great. you really earned the $11 I assume they paid you for this. Also, when the hell are you going to write a book, big guy? I would pre-order the shit out of that.

Man, those were awesome. The one about Swaggy P was one of the funniest things I have ever read.

WTF ... is his name really spelled like that? Is it pronounced Mate-Y? Or are people out here trying to improve the spelling of Matty? This whole story is incredibly white trash.

They had some left over funds in the ‘assassinate celebrities’ line item. Figured they might as well spend it all so they don’t get defunded the next year.

I am with you. I remember from 10 years ago watching this and it seemed clear but upon review it seems like totally incidental. It would be difficult for him to see that and then get the envelope without it being super obvious, and it was not.

The bottom corner is pretty clearly bent, but yeah this is much less convincing then I remember it.

The video. The envelope clearly has a fold, and the others don’t. I am too lazy to look it up but feel free.