
That the CIA brought cocaine into America in the 1980s, probably in order to fund the Contras.

Women’s tennis is legitably more enjoyable to watch than mens.

Better kinja.

I have a few this way as well. Why is it always middle class white women? I swear I havn’t met one anti-vaxxer who didn’t fit that description...

or, you know......TOM BRADY?

Is the word wife a no-go now? JEEEE-sus...

I am obviously exaggerating but it sounds like it was a crazy scene.

So basically, two cars got into a minor car accident, described as “a standard motor vehicle crash report with no injury” with one lady’s airbag going off.

That is the calmest Latin announcer I have ever heard. Was that guy medicated or something? I have heard futbol announcers get more excited about commercial breaks...

I am not arguing either way, I am just pointing out your horseshit method of counting people when it fits your point.

1. This is retarded. Actual city limits don’t matter. Miami metro has 5 million, Atlanta 5.5, Minneplis 3.5 etc, etc.

Or to criticize other’s athleticism either...


Hey man, the Detmers are awesome. Especially know..second one.

Ouch, you just hit me right in the feels with that.

I am pretty sure that part of the reason that he owns that van is becuase it says ‘mark v’ on the back.

Lol. What decade was that?


Hey man, give him some slack. I loved American Splendor.

Sure. Split gross revenue in half, put the players side in an interest bearing account until 1 full year after graduation, pay people equally based on how many years they were on the roster.