
Not trying to truth here, but man that Texan on the right was being held from behind with two hands around the hips while trying to make the tackle...

Yes. This. Also, he is of course not allowed to say how much of a disater these prequels were and so cannot articulate half of his justification for doing this.

Damn three cans? That’s like almost three sixers of budlight plus a few cups of coffee and a shit-load of sugar (which is fighting for processing time in your liver and making your drunker). I can’t imagine the hangover.

Sam Bradford in a helmet is never not funny.



They took away his vote for life b/c of that thing last year? Wow. What a bunch of bitches.

This is crazy. What result were they looking for with a rookie QB? A wild-card berth? I can’t even imagine the thought process here...Maybe they just realized that he took Devin Hester off returns for two years to ‘focus on being a wide receiver’ or something?

Sight privilege, amirite?

4 wins dude. 4 wins.

It sure did for me....

The who? I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with this Tex-ans team you refer to.

Definitely as many bright flashing lights and loud sounds as possible.


I’m picking up what you’re putting down here.

That dude is stone cold.

I been to Russia. It’s cool. They have fun.

No, he’s just being a douche.

Oh I see. That’s a pretty cool idea.

dafuq are those pacers jerseys?