
I've seen Sonny Liston fight and I have seen that punch. That was no knockout punch. Especially not on Sonny Liston.

He wasn't a person, he was a magic space alien sent to teach us how to love.

Are you serious? That is.....unbelievably sweet.

Pictured: Mice Tice, 2019.

Yep, they are sooooo excited to get Micheal more reps they play him almost 0 percent for 7 games. Supes excited, though!

Fair warning, Burneko let's you do pretty much anything you want. If you had said, "Can I replace the mozzarella with Spam?" you probably would have gotten the exact same reaction.

This makes me want to murder both of them.

Not that one! The one that you put up. WTF is that shit?

Wait, let me ask you Marchman. What the fuck was that bullshit and how the fuck is that good?

What is that Marchman bullshit? How the fuck is that good?

"What kind of dipshit self-identifies as a gamer anyway? I like video games. I don't walk around with a GAMER shirt on. I watch TV. I don't go around being like, "I'm a TV watcher!" That would be fucking stupid."

So how is Tennents Super so goddamn cheap?

and reduce hipsters by 40%. Win-win.

Why are you showing tweets from an obviously nonsense-named bot account?

I think they should use motorcycles instead of speed guns now, too. Just keep a track for them down the first base line.

"He threw the Home Run!"

I'm relieved that wasn't a link to someone you killed.

Multiple women and children from them is pretty in line with the Old Testament my friend. Didn't King David have 700 concubines or something? Maybe he is just really orthodox.

You should go the fuck to therapy.