
I'm going to play devil's advocate and say:

long term wearing a corset can change the shape of your body. i'd suppose that eating less also might be part of it.

And yet, why do you care so much about her publicly shaming him then? Her twitter feed ain't none of yo' bizness

If she had found a way of producing evidence, e.g. surreptitiously recording his advances, she'd be accused of violating his privacy. So please tell me, what evidence do you need?

Why is it on the woman to have to defend herself from aggressive creeps when flying? Why can't women just expect the same lack of harassment that men do?

Such a self-absorbed letter, and about 5 times as long as it needed to be given that apparently the daughter doesn't want to go into any depth about her life or why she has chosen her path. It sounds like she does not want a meaningfully close bond with her mother so why not just drop the truth bomb and leave it at

Both "undocumented" and "illegal" slant the article a particular way. "Undocumented" is hardly neutral — it minimizes a breech of our country's laws.



I've actually had an espresso based soda before (not from this brand) which was quite good.

Probably less to do with "doing the cooking and cleaning" and more to do with having to go through pregnancy, IMO.

True but there are many reasons that a behavior might be true (socialization, anyone?), including multiple reasons a trait may be or may have been reproductively beneficial. Unfortunately, given how little we know about early hominid society it is basically wild guessing, usually guessing which reaffirms cultural

Lol. THIS.

Thank you. I cannot recommend this enough. While I was glad Moore pointed out the shitty logic behind the evolutionary biology conclusions drawn, this study wasn't even valid to begin with, and that's a much bigger problem.

This made me so happy. Thank you hahaha

Am I the only one who is not upset that this was written by a white woman? Yes, ideally we'd get both viewpoints but sometimes more distance from a subject can lead to better insight, i.e. not being sidetracked by bullshit claims of cultural relativism. That's not always the case, but I don't think that the critique

I lived by this clinic, after it had closed, and a friend's landlord was Gosnell's wife Pearl. It is an otherwise fairly average bit of Philly, full of Drexel and Penn students. I wouldn't have dreamed something like this could have gone on there.

Yeah no one cares

I don't like this. Maybe I'm just change-phobic but I miss the simple side bar. Everything seems too big.