
yes but how many men complain about using condoms or manipulate their partners into not using them ("don't worry babe, i'll pull out in time")? they need contraception they can control and use effectively.

I went on a date on which the guy said that it was the best date he had been on from OKC. He wasn't very exciting but he was self-identified as a feminist (yay!) so I was pretty happy with the date.

you're tipping for their knowledge/expertise even if you don't take advantage of it

If the dilemma is between

Wow, that's amazing. You sound like a smarter and more thoughtful person than most...(certainly a helluva lot more thoughtful than I, who was dragged into feminism/egalitarianism by a patient white, male, mostly-not-evil college boyfriend). A lot of people even after ditching the religion hold onto old beliefs because

I completely agree — I grew up white, lower middle class, suburbs — I didn't realize sexism was a problem til college when I was sexually harassed and assaulted. I assumed feminists were whiny manhaters because that's what i'd grown up hearing. I had no empathy for people outside my own life experiences... I never

I for one second the viability of this interpretation, though that probs wasn't it. ;) (&Not that I'd ever say it to someone. Holy cow!!)

True but why would you go out of your way to hurt someone? If an opinion, even sought, could hurt someone and it's otherwise harmless to tone it down, why wouldn't you? I can understand choosing truthfulness over tact if there's a conflict — nothing wrong with that — but there doesn't have to be one here.

Exactly. However, am I the only one who reads more into the tone of his question than he just doesn't like the hair cut? It's almost like he's pissed that she's chosen to do something he finds ugly, — how dare she! — and he wants to make her feel bad and thereby manipulate her to change it, hence the rather vitriolic

"numerous examples in feminism that essentially imply that women are better than men"

The exception does not in most cases invalidate the rule (that it's a bad idea for most 20-somethings to be dating someone 10+ years older).

Really, REALLY, 8 years older is "Gross and Wrong"?!


"too off-putting to this overly-shared, overly-inclusive, overly-kumbaya generation"

Agree. Or else we'll be running on the euphemism treadmill, because any term associated with equal rights will face the same onslaught from bigots.