This is great and I am going to channel
This is great and I am going to channel
I love Maureen Johnson, but I don't think this is quite fair. In no way does it seem to me that Rachel Shukert is distancing herself AT ALL from YA, or making herself out to be some kind of trailblazer. What I see is someone trying to explain her own process and identifying things she thought about while writing.…
Speaking to the point that Femininity is not the enemy; misogyny is:
Here is the best writing advice I ever got: “Figure out what you like, and then try to do something like that.” Here…
Whatever excuse you want to give people so you feel progressive and non-judgmental is your business. It's a very simple equation for nearly every animal. Calories in vs Calories out.
Yes. Yes it is.
Those women aren't "curvy" or "full-figured." They are fat. I'd be willing to bet they qualify as obese. This is not a character flaw, but saying they are gorgeous is enabling unhealthy habits. Why is this unacceptable for smokers or drug users but not of the obese?
That show was AWESOMESAUCE.
You know what I loved? Ladette to Lady.
Honey Boo Boo personifies America in a way that perhaps no other single person in our time does. Her penchant for…
Eh...just as someone who lived through high school uniforms for four and a half years I don't know that they really achieve anything.
I would be furious to find out anyone was taking creepy skirt shots of my daughter, regardless of who they are or what they hell they think their reason is. And then she goes and posts them online? So they can end up on r/creepshots? Fantastic job there lady, way to lead the moral crusade.
I'm thinking that a lot of this just has to do with low body awareness compounded with terrible fashion options. I developed really early, but didn't really "get" my breasts b/c I really didn't have a good sense of my changing body -so, I just wore the same tops I already had and didn't think much of it until school…
And yet, somewhere in rural Tennessee, the retirement-aged Eugenia Mundy is pulling aside a young girl with thick glasses, thick braces, baggy pants, and loose-fitting t-shirts (often with wildlife conservationist slogans) and explaining, patiently, that if she doesn't start giving the boys something to look at, she's…
Given the way you're focusing on ass shots of teenage girls, I'm also kinda glad you don't have daughters o_O
My guinea pig used to love watermelon.
He looked like a vicious beast after eating it, with watermelon blood all down his chin. It was adorable. ;_;
I said this when Jezebel posted this last year, but dudes: if you don't want women to assume that every stranger with a penis who approaches her is a potential rapist THEN CHANGE THE RAPE CULTURE that makes it OK to ask every woman who is raped "Well, what were you doing getting into an elevator alone with a guy you…