Reading Tamora Pierce's novels as a kid are what turned me into book worm and a feminist.
Reading Tamora Pierce's novels as a kid are what turned me into book worm and a feminist.
I would like to see a PUA technique that wasn't immediately obvious if you tell a woman to watch out for guys trying to lower her self esteem or manipulate her. It's very easy to spot the PUA-tards and the subtle attempts at manipulation or pushing boundaries.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious. I have a finally tuned douche detector and an incredibly high IQ. Even before hearing of PUA bullshit when those "techniques" were used on me they tended to simply make me irate.
Even still — really? Really? Showing off your hair by that logic is thousands upon thousands of "sins" by the most conservative of evidence. I am curious, do other "sins" show this multiplication? Or is for example committing rape or murder only one sin?
It's not impossible, I just mean that it's simply not a matter of scaling up designs that flatter smaller bodies.
Didn't mean to imply that! I do certainly think that a critical look at one's desires does "balance the scales" so to speak. Unfortunately porn consumption typically does not encourage that sort of critical questioning into the content being present.
Okay, I'll admit that I missed the irreverent nature of your initial post, but I'm not sorry for starting a conversation about it, if that makes sense. Actually, technically if you only look at the two variables — increasing global temperatures, and rates of violent crime — they are correlated... negatively. (a…
I guess I think the term discrimination is a bit strong, because to me that term implies that a right one can reasonably expect or that one is entitled to has been denied. Certainly, it does reek of anti-fat bias or maybe more accurately "thin privilege", but I do not think that any group can feel entitled to be…
For a counterpoint, I'm going to repost part of my response to another person in this thread (in which I elaborate in more depth on why I view pornography as it currently exists as highly problematic).
Also, I would add, admittedly not having read all of the studies I have linked you to, I would hypothesize that, violent pornography is especially harmful for men who have already internalized hostile sexism / misogyny. There is a slight chicken and egg problem in this research, which is: is it the case that men who…
uh.... yeah. You completely didn't get that analogy, did you? Just because "one is going up and the other down" doesn't mean two things can't be connected. I.e. take a look at any predator-prey population cycle. Also, the comparison was deliberately absurd, to match your initially inane contention.
Those concepts shouldn't really be snuck through the backdoor, though. I find that problematic, and I don't think it is possible to simultaneously promote a book which treats women as objects to be won and feminism. Even though yes, speaking as one women feminism isn't only helpful in piquing my (romantic) interest,…
I'm only one data point but among me and friends, reading Jezebel is 99% more likely to increase someone's odds of getting in my pants as compared to PUA bullshit.
Aww man. I want this!
"nearly all major brands refuse to create clothes that fit fat people's bodies because of exactly this type of kneejerk anti-fat disgust"
thank you so much for this. you've articulated this distinction better than i've ever been able to.
You're making very sloppy generalizations, you were called out on it so suck it up, and no, it is incredibly bad to presume correlation implies causation. By that logic, maybe global warming is causing lower crime rates.
As a woman with sub-y tendencies I have to say:
correlation =/= causation and rape is highly underreported, so please don't say "more porn is the answer".
nope, sorry