Pass! It’s been in an accident. A pretty bad one, too. Severe enough that it knocked the steering wheel over to the passenger side!
Pass! It’s been in an accident. A pretty bad one, too. Severe enough that it knocked the steering wheel over to the passenger side!
Psssh. I’d like to know where in this country people are being nailed in their homes [..]
People seem to get pretty riled up on this topic (buy a minivan/wagon over a CUV rabble rabble rabble).
Whett Thudd is actually an undrafted linebacker out of Appalachian State who stands a good shot at making the Raiders’ 53-man roster.
I know I’ll get some hate for it, but I’m going to defend Ross again. He’s really not as bad as people say. Sure, he can be annoying at times, and he’s a little quirky. But his physical comedy is unmatched. After the initial mopey stage he really turned it around and I started rooting for him. And he ended up with…
Loved Vectors as a child. Would still like to see one in person.
It’s not the best answer, but mute and report. Do it immediately and consistently. It’s tough with team based games like Overwatch, but generally you can get by with being unable to communicate with one of your teammates. Chances are if they’re being a jackass they aren’t going to be working together with the team…
We all tip our hats for you taking out more time of your extremely important and extremely opinionated day to respond to our response to your well worded and crowd pleasing original post. We would like to extend to you our sincerest congratulations on being a shining example of the gamer culture, and an amazing human…
You know what really ‘hurts the fanbase’? Stealing a team and moving it to Oklahoma.
If any group in basketball knows about the vulnerability of a team holding a 3–1 series lead, it’s the remaining core of these Golden State Warriors.
Me not believe me not think of this until now, at very end, but it make no sense that North would be independent kingdom for centuries and not come up with better name than “The North.”
“Still alive?”
Looking forward to the “Who is the oldest person you have ever sexually assaulted?” questions at next year’s combine.
I just don’t understand why they’d do this. Why would they give such a tacit endorsement to the racism and white grievance culture that this represents? I appreciate that these invitations are traditional and everything but I really thought Trump would draw the line somewhere.
Mike & Mike are the biggest tools to employ an ampersand since Black & Decker.
Rolling south gate - $50,000
Coordinating something like that required some impressive Acura-cy.
People grow up dude.
Yes, Arkham Knight was a bad port to PC in happens the other way around, too (good on PC, bad on console), so that’s a moot point. I’m still not sure what compatibility issues you’re talking about, however. Besides maybe throwing dual SLI into the argument, most PC’s configuration shouldn’t have any…