I’m pretty sure the consensus on Hank Jr is “he’s ok”.
I’m pretty sure the consensus on Hank Jr is “he’s ok”.
I figure you are trolling but honest answer looking at humanity and looking at dogs, I will gladly spend my resources on my pet.
Hi. I’m here to tell my Mercury Tracer story. It is not a happy one.
Aren’t the Seattle Supersonics basketball’s least existent franchise?
The IOC warned us about this days ago: https://www.olympic.org/news/rio-2016-…
ScottyD defending Tampa. This is peak WYTS comments section stuff.
They left off the bullet point where they were deleting Mei from the game. Piece of shit character is a pain no matter WHAT team she is on.
Watch 4,5,6.
I think it’s time to discuss an issue that has been severely plaguing our society since day one, when Benjamin…