Any word on whether he’s going to stay on as his own barber?
Any word on whether he’s going to stay on as his own barber?
What I think of is Gone Girl. In one scene Ben Affleck’s character is supposed to wear a Yankees cap. Affleck doesn’t like the Yankees. He refused. Production shut down for four days while the director got on the phone with Affleck’s lawyers and agents and whatnot trying to get an actor to wear a hat. And that…
If she objects in the moment, she’s called unprofessional and is still pressured into doing it.
In the old days, over a hundred years ago, the media was far more of a cesspool than now. For the likes of William Randolph Hearst, facts didn’t matter; they would literally sit around making up stories, so I think when she says “classically studied journalist”, she really means it. She’s taking us back to the future.
I usually tell people to ask themselves what the people/articles telling them whatever specious “fact” have to gain by them believing it. Many people who believe this stuff were never taught how to spot obvious cons, which is why Trump’s voter base so neatly fits with people who were swindled by his college/timeshare…
I guess when you drain the swamp, you get to see what’s living in the muck at the bottom of it...
Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.
But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.
I mean, he’s right, but not in the way he thinks he’s right.
Killing the Kid was a fuckup that i think everyone can get behind. But arguing for due process for people that take up arms against our own soldiers is bullshit.
I’m not sure what state you’re from, and by no means do I dismiss you or the vast chunk of the country which is in economic distress. The map below may illustrate that your state received more tax dollars than it spent, or it may not. Like I said, I don’t know where you live. 2010 is the most recent data I could…
IDEA: buy one for yourself attach it whenever you park illegally and remove when you leave.
Even better: From a president who sang “Amazing Grace” beautifully at a memorial service to one who couldn’t be bothered to attend ONE Veterans’ Day event and wants people to think he cares about the military.
And the US has gone from having a president who is a Constitutional Law professor to one dipshit who’s never skimmed it. Let that sink in for a sec.
Mostly Pence. Arguably, Trump is the most LGBT-friendly president-elect ever. He’s the only one to enter office stating gays should be allowed to marry. Which is probably why he was forced to choose a raving loon like Pence as a running mate - he couldn’t get the Republican nomination without throwing a bone to the…
A significant part is looking at who he chose for his VP. Aside from that, and his seeming relative lack of personal animosity towards LGBT people, a Republican administration is more than just the President (as is a Democratic one). It’s also looking at the kind of people who he says he’ll appoint as federal judges…
Isn’t it a bit problematic to concern ourselves with micro-aggressions against a privileged and powerful white person who orchestrated the election of a fascist which has resulted in MACRO-aggressions against POC, especially Muslim women? This bitch is a fucking Nazi (or worse- an opportunist who promotes neo-Nazism)…
Oh Jesus fucking Christ, SHE’S FUCKING TROLLING US! She’s co-opting feminist language specifically to prevent us from criticizing her actual statements. Now we’re talking about Joe Fucking Scarborough when what we should be talking about is the fact that she is struggling with the fact that Donald Trump is Donald…
Just sitting in the sewer, waiting for somebody to rescue us now...