Well, to quote the #BlueLivesMatter types, he should have complied and shown the police respect.
Well, to quote the #BlueLivesMatter types, he should have complied and shown the police respect.
Meanwhile white male hooligans with rifles get to hold federal lands hostage for weeks and get off scot free.
saccharine tastes like chewing on metal
Somewhere around 25% of the European population (Sadly I don’t know of data for other ethnic groups) find saccharin salts and acesulfame-k bitter.
What if it works, though? What if the corporate and finance sectors are so happy to have a pro-business guy in there that stocks surge and companies start expanding?
Using the hacking as a rationale sounds bonkers though.
They are actually pretty different. The concern is that McCrory and the GOP controlled NC legislature might be planning to hand McCrory the governorship *even if* he loses in the recount - see here for an overview of the whole situation http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/whats-really-going-on-in-north-…
I agree with the rationale that the computer scientists and lawyers gave for advocating a recount: to ensure that hacks didn’t occur to help restore some faith in the reliability of our voting system.
One point on the 2004 Ohio vote audits.
*crying* Please read this pdf showing that statistical analysis can provide enough reason to suspect election fraud.
But it isn’t unheard of, in terms of people reporting the electronic voting system was compromised. I recall about 10 years ago a story broke about a programmer for the voting booths came out and said that his employers wanted him to write a program to make votes to switch candidates for ‘testing purposes’. There was…
As a humble (and fascinated) computer science major at a tiny community college in Asheville, I can say that there is enough evidence to at least look into it. There are unusual coincidences, anomalies that have happened (more unusual than anything McCrory is bitching about) that could either a) be evidence of…
Here’s the post by J. Alex Halderman (Computer Science Prof at U. Michigan, and a member of the group petitioning for the recounts): https://medium.com/@jhalderm/want-to-know-if-the-election-was-hacked-look-at-the-ballots-c61a6113b0ba#.jrbfk79uv
Pat’s trying to prevent his opponent’s inauguration by jamming the court long enough that he gets reinstated by default.
So, while I would love to see the dethroning of Trump ... how is this different than what the governor of North Carolina is doing right now, that every liberal (including myself) is lambasting as an affront to democracy? Or the rhetoric we criticized Trump for throwing around before the election?
So I’m guessing someone getting nailed to a cross probably doesn’t do it for ya either
It’s all of a piece, isn’t it?
Well look, I think the guy should get the plate if he wants it, but; If his intention really is “to show the impossibility of disproving anyone’s claim to being “God”, I’d say being thwarted, even temporarily, in attempting to get the vanity plate one’s choice goes a long way toward disproving any claim to divinity…
Certainly, when the hand of oppression drives down, it splinters people into different groups. But just as certainly, many men of color are misogynists, whether they are oppressing white women or Black women. Is this some kind of strange oppression math, where if people are oppressed in only one way, this means that…
Well, of course CRTV is doing this. Because, as Patton Oswalt reminded us after the election, it turns out this country is even more misogynistic than it is racist.