Liberals in America need to arm the fuck up.
Liberals in America need to arm the fuck up.
I know this will never make it out of the greys, but the Civitas Institute is way more than just a “conservative group.” Besides being the main think tank behind most of the abhorrent legislation in NC, they also like to harass academics/others who question the republican party in North Carolina. They’re absolutely…
This is exactly what I keep telling my husband. He doesn’t feel the fear I do because he’s a white Christian male, but I keep saying, “This is literally how Hitler got started. This is LITERALLY how it WORKS in the Middle East and Central America and all those other scary places you think are evil.”
You know what I find extremely funny about all this? NC voted Republican for president but not governor? That means thousands of people were fine with the orange fascist and sexual predator but not McCrory. LOL forever.
They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”
Finally, someone in the autojourno department acknoledges this fact with due intensity - it’s driving me crazy as well! Also, it’s not just that you can’t see where you’ve been, in many modern cars you can’t even see where you’re going either. Many cars now have massive or even two A-pillars, which basically mean…
I don’t think so—people this stupid were already getting spit in their coffee on a regular basis.
No it really didnt. They also didnt realize that they were actually SUPPORTING starbucks by buying their coffee. I pointed this out to someone and they called me an “elitist”. ????????
As a former barista - yes, we know people can see us. That’s why we don’t spit. We give people decaf.
I’m kinda reminded of that time they tried to protest France not participating in the Iraq War--by buying French wine by the caseload and pouring it down the drain.
it is a “social experiment” the purpose of which is to “keep Starbucks accountable.”
I disagree with the Trump-Pence administration about a ton of things. But the most effective way to do so are with proven facts, not exaggerations found from twitter and facebook posts. Snopes did a good article showing the evidence for this often-repeated statement:
I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
Oh HELL no. Good for you standing up to him, the jerk. Along the same vein I was downstairs the other day getting coffee and a guy who works in my building was standing next to me and noticed the safety pin on my shirt. Our only interaction up to that point had been nods in the lobby, etc. He smirked and said, “Oh…
oh yeah, that’s my point! I’d rather have Trump appoint an old infirm asshole to the bench than a young, hale and hearty Satan.
He also has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The guy does not look like his long, shrill life has treated him all that great, and he looks cadaverous and winded pretty much even at the top of his game.
I’d have been okay with that. He’s pro-choice, in favor of LGBTQ rights, pro-reasonable gun control, not horrible on immigration, accepts the reality of anthropogenic global warming...
Every culture has, what to call it? Maybe food ignorance? I remember after Chernobyl a friend’s parents took in a teenager from Russia for a year exchange. He had never seen, smelled or tasted peanut butter but from the moment he tried it, was obsessed. I remember he would take one spoonful and always had the same…
Question: what does the [sic] mean...?