Donald Trump - star of NBC’s “The Apprentice” and ex-owner of the USFL’s Generals franchise - is now the leader of the Free World. I don’t know how a Jewish socialist is so far-fetched.
Donald Trump - star of NBC’s “The Apprentice” and ex-owner of the USFL’s Generals franchise - is now the leader of the Free World. I don’t know how a Jewish socialist is so far-fetched.
This is how America has always been for people of color. I think a lot of others are just starting to get clued in.
She should have stepped down the second Obama got a second term.
Well, don’t worry. Mike Pence will overturn this referendum and send federal LEO to legalized marijuana states and this vote won’t matter either.
I know conservatives will crow about the way-off polls and liberal smugness, but it’s not even about predicting the wrong outcome. It’s about holy fucking shit, we’re putting someone drastically underqualified in charge, the stock markets are plummeting already, Putin’s cackling at the Kremlin, the Supreme Court will…
I’m so sad. Just sad. No amount of weed can remedy this feeling. :(
Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.
Easy. Your country is full of terrified, racist, sexist assholes.
Black president
Seriously. And these politicians that they support on partly based upon fucking NRA ratings don’t even allow guns into rallies. What a bunch of cowards they are from the top of the ticket to the supporters.
For starters, Hillary has never advocated banning guns so don’t even. Anyone who says otherwise is either insane or a bald-faced liar.
Nah, Trump sensed a draft come into the room, so he was dodging it.
Kirk later claimed that the legs he’d so neatly cut out from under his own campaign during the debate had in fact been lost during his last tour in Afghanistan.
But seriously - if you have an opportunity to insult a decorated war veteran you have to take it, right?
Rep. Tammy Duckworth is challenging Sen. Mark Kirk for his U.S. Senate seat in Illinois, and the incumbent unleashed…
And don’t forget the crap being leveled at people protesting the Dakota pipeline.
We’re not going to be able to compromise on this one. I’m a Black woman who works. But, Liberal Elitism is quite the rhetorical marker, as well. If racism is to end, yes, Whites have to educate and self correct. This is where we hit the impasse. You can’t educate anyone else until YOU have accepted the truth. Trump…
“Yeah, Republican men telling women, including fellow conservative women, to sit down and shut up has been another theme in this election since forever.”
Don’t worry. I’m sure your McDonalds experience will be harmonized with that of the mainland within the next ten years.