
Controversial bun choice: toasted english muffin.  It holds a crunch well when toasted and the nooks are ideal for catching condiments and juices.

You need to give the bun some consideration, a lot of the cheap ones fall apart and go soggy on you, leaving you covered in ketchup and mayo. You need a certain level of toughness in your bun. And it should have a flavor of its own so it isn’t just sawdusty edible napkin.

Yeah, my spread of charcoal bricks, greasy plastic sporks, chicken bones and grapes - pincushioned with skewers just don’t get the love at the HOA cookout...

Very stable genius. Losing his livelihood over hatred and a whole 25 of dollars.

“Sorry Bill, you know those dang do-gooders just won’t give up. We gotta let ya go. On the bright side, I hear Jeff in the county next door is lookin fer a new deputy! See you at ther Klan meetin’ tonight.

Seriously.  Not even subtle about it. Only the smartest men in the room are allowed to crash Wall Street and cause losses!

I hate to say it, but that’s exactly the first thing I thought, too. If it had been a little white girl, would there have been so much anger?

Seriously, this has ruined your season? A revision to a goddamned commercial? This is a major part of your holiday? GET A LIFE!

“I had to acknowledge that Black people exist and now I’m upset”

Not to be a bummer but shithead can still do a lot of damage and when he is removed, his mess will be a lot to fix.

Here that? That’s the sound of a hundred prosecutors across the country finalizing indictments. God I hope they have to perp walk his ass out the White House. Melania in her bathrobe trying to talk to errybody’s manager.

In this century:

I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down. 

It’s not that it’s news, it’s that someone took the time to actually research it and prove it to be true.

This is news?

There must be a plastic fish shortage.

That’s what mind boggling, they often threw themselves under the bus, at risk of destroying their career or doing prison time. Herman Cain risked and lost his LIFE to make this buffoon look better.

who obtained his Ivy League degrees only by way of affirmative action

many complicit actors in Donald Trump’s reign of horror keep trotting out with tell-all books to further profit

Americans are more disconnected from how their food actually gets made than any other people in the history of the world.