
I know I’m going to get ravaged, but I actually think Krispy Kreme is an inferior donut, with superior glaze. The glaze is good, but the actual donut part is like wonder bread. I also don’t really care for them hot. They’re ok hot, I guess, but I don’t find it to be the rhapsodic experience so many others seem to. You

Ahh, so I take it you've been to "Hardee's"

So the N-Word slipped out of his mouth ! What’s the big deal anyway, I mean, considering the thousands of n-words he’s surely holding back, with all his might, every single day of his life, one is bound to just “slip out” now and then !

Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but from the way the hair is kind of off to the sude, I think it’s possible that it was on the camera lens, and not the cake

Yeah, I mean I voted for Ben Jealous too, I’m just saying, as republican governors go I can’t think of a less psychotic one that’s actually in office anywhere, and when we’ve almost had Ellen Sauerbrey and actually had Bob Erlich in my life, I can see how we could be in worse shape.

Larry Hogan is probably the least shitty republican in any public office in the entire United States. If we have to have a Republican Governor, I’m glad it’s Larry Hogan.

Man, I’ve had Playstations since the first time I saw the “Final Fantasy VII” commercial on T.V., but I only ever had the first generation Xbox, a million years ago, and I am stunned to learn their controllers still use AA’s. I never knew that. It's hard to imagine for me really. I probably will continue to stick to

I have to admit, that seems plausible, I have noticed that even lower-end grocery stores are stocking ingredients like duck fat and ghee these days.

Any particular rendered bison tallow you would reccomend, or is the store brand good enough ?

Neither bacon nor pancetta are the “correct” way to make carbonara, guanciale is what’s considered proper, though of course, you can make it however you like. I use cured smoked beef plate.

Possibly, I can’t really attest to the veracity of the story or remember the name of the actor, it could have been the plot of a Japanese police procedural for all I know, but I remember reading about it in what I considered at the time to be a credible source.

It also seems kind of pointless, since according to my understanding, the appeal of fugu to aficionados is from the toxin. The liver and kidneys are deadly, but trace amounts of the poison are present throughout the edible, or more edible, parts as well. This trace creates a unique numbing sensation on the lips and

Of course, you’re referring to Barry Obama, though I think he prefers “Barak”or just “President Obama”.  That's right, not only was he a great running back, but he was a pretty good president too.

But insects are animals though.

Gotta say, you really dropped the ball with "Cherry Garcia" for the Andy Garcia tribute ice cream, when all you had to do was add some prailines to make "PecAndy Garcia" 

I think there’s two of them, or maybe even more, one of which might be in Rockville, but the only one I’ve been to is the one in Potomac. 

I have to agree. I ate a lot of crappy bagels in my life along with a few I thought were good. But I never knew what a good bagel was until I had one in New Jersey at a little deli. It’s hard to even explain what the difference is, but there is one, and the NYC/New Jersey bagels are just a higher standard. There is

See, that's why I just order it to go, and put the gold on it myself at home.

They did try. I don’t remember the precise number, but it was something crazy, like 1o threats per day, average, over his two terms.

I mean, goid news on conviction, but they still have sentencing to fuck it up. Plus, it’s f ou r mansluaghter not murder, which to me, this clearly was cold blooded murder. Still, better than what would be expected.