
Wait, I thought that the latest standard GOP boilerplate re:The Red Scare was;

Both metaphorically and literally

I thought he was showing everyone the fingers he pees on when he uses a urinal.

They actually have an explanation for that. Until very recently, though it was not universally accepted across all denominations and sects of Christianity, it was a fairly mainstream cultural and theological belief in (white) American Christianity that Adam and Eve were white, and that black people descended from Ham,

Dear Steve,

What you did there, I see it.

Ttoday, in “Things I thought everybody could figure out for themselves, but apparently it has to be explained to some of us”;

I read an article one time, can’t remember where or by whom, where the writer described a ride on Trump’s private jet. The trip consisted of Trump pointing out various features of the plane and boasting about them, including an entertainment center including a television CR, which I guess at the time the article was

To be fair, there is extensive evidence that they are genetically predisposed to be vulnerable to deception by things painted orange

Didn’t read the article, didn’t need to, because duh, the flamethrower was invented like, a hundred years ago !

Yeah, I know it’s mind boggling, but that’s actually what he’s complaining about. He prefers, or professes to prefer, a world where bars dont have any good beer, but just one brand of mass market swill. I say he “professes” to prefer this, because I find reactionary media personalities often affect a cartoonish


True, you make a good point. I neglected to consider it from the animal welfare angle.

I know he’s bad, but you shouldn’t gleefully speculate about the POTUS having a stroke. Not when there’s still a possibility, however remote, that he might be devoured alive by a hyena. You can call me a dreamer, but I’m not giving up hope.

I didn’t read the article, but I assume from the tagline that it’s about George Washington.

To refer to Trump as a "halfwit" is giving him a bit too much credit


Willingness to pardon racist scumbags is one area where you shouldn’t underestimate Trump. Actually, it’s one of the few areas where it’s even possible to underestimate Trump.

Man, I had a turbo cooker and I loved that thing. Out of all the kitchen gadgets I’ve ever bought, that was the one I’ve used the most, unless something like a toaster oven counts.

Man, I had a turbo cooker and I loved that thing. Out of all the kitchen gadgets I’ve ever bought, that was the one