
The best pit beef I ever had was a place that was less a restaurant, and more a shack on the shoulder of the road with a makeshift parking lot, out by Eastpoint mall, IIRC. I haven’t been over that way in many years, no idea what that place was called, if anything other than “Pit Beef”, or if it’s still there, but in


Piers Morgan thinks Michael Jackson never molested any kids.

Me too !

I thought the same damn thing, I was excited because I thought “Trump in hats” was going to become a new photoshop fad

When I saw that picture at the top of the article, I thought the hat was photoshoppped on him, to comment on his “slicked back” hairstyle. My subsequent thoughts, in order were:

He’s got my vote, look at that confident expression !

Donald looks at her in that hat and his thoughts wander t-

I think the reasoning, which could only actually be logical to a reactionary nutcase, is this;

I guess not too many remember right before the ACA was passed, when no the great sage Rush Limbaugh vowed to flee the country if such a vile socialist nightmare should come to be. The country he proposed to seek refuge from the government takeover of healthcare ? Costa Rica of course, why do you ask ?

To be fair, a lot of them actually do understand that, but they rea-he-hi-lly wanna “stick it to the coloreds”

He makes a lot of salient points, despite being the most annoying person alive... you smell burning toast bud?

Sooooooo, just keep doing what I’m doing then ?

You're going to need a chair.

Impossible? It’s not even unlikely.

That the bible gives “domain of a woman’s body” to the woman in question is extremely debatable.

I drink one pint glass worth of cold brewed coffee each morning. I use about a cup of grounds, and extract 12-24 hours. I get a bit more than two days worth, and drink it with a splash of 2% milk, or occasionally coconut or oat milk. How’m I doin’?

According to Sommer, Kolfage said in March that he couldn’t reveal locations where the wall would be built

Don’t forget steaks !