Not for nothing, but there is also the possibility that he got booted because he’s black.
Not for nothing, but there is also the possibility that he got booted because he’s black.
going to school to study something her father appears to truly hate
Or, “I never dreamed I’d miss that idiot from Texas.”
Here’s another manifestation of his discomfort with technology; his fear of it. Of course he knows what a shredder is.
I mean, fuck Jeff Flake no doubt, but let’s remember 6 Democrats voted to confirm Haspel as well. A Republican voting to confirm Haspel isn’t a “Man Bites Dog” story, it’s not even “Dog Bites Man” it’s more like “ Dog Eats Meatball Dropped On Floor” Democrats confirming Haspel is just sad.
The GOP really have no idea, not a fucking clue, that the world really does not need America and that America will not and cannot win if they think they can take on the whole world.
What a great warm-up act for someone who is undoubtedly on his way to Singapore to get us into a nuclear war with North Korea.
Fucking idiot. That’s all I can say, what a fucking idiot.
Thank you for the links, I was so young when 9/11 happened I wasn’t really aware of any of this.
Holy crap ... I hadn’t heard that story at all! Do you have any links I could read to find out more?
My first thought when I saw the bit about the NFL pardon offers was that they should ask him to pardon the central park 5. Now, obviously they’ve already been exonerated but think about if they asked him. He’d have to acknowledge it publicly, and all the shit he said before and after about them, hell, the shit he paid…
OH FUCK !!!! How can black people possibly go on now, without help from melixduran ?!?!? Centuries of oppression, and NOW THIS ?!?!?
Yeah, remember how accusing someone of being a communist would cause them to lose their job in entertainment and commit suicide just ten years earlier than this?
Goddamn, that’s some good kinja
Slippery slope !
What I find hilarious is that just because I have a countdown to the next presidential election is that you think I don’t vote. For you:
All due respect, but midterms, 2020, 2024, we have to keep struggling regardless, but anyone who is not anticipating, preparing for and proceeding as if there is not going to be a serious crisis in this country over the next decade with one possible, and not unlikely, outcome being that Donald Trump maintains his…
Maybe, but I just think that Trump is ultimately too much of a sexist to ever put up a woman for AG, even such a fawning sycophant as Pirro.
Why not engage in behavior like this? Manafort knows that Trump will Pardon him and so the better they can cover their tracks and get their stories straight, the better it is for Trump.
But just as you wouldn’t eat tobiko out of the jar,