In terms of policy wins what exactly are your principles worth again?
In terms of policy wins what exactly are your principles worth again?
Carolla always struck me as a card carrying douche but Kimmel seems genuine.
The time to push the Democrats further left is during the primaries. If you’re not showing up then, why the hell would they assume you’ll show up for the general elections?
I get that they want the Dems to do better. The Dems should do better.
If an oil company tycoon is our only hope we might as well just kill ourselves now.
This sounds like a good opportunity to set up “pro-life” protests outside of crisis pregnancy centers. Hand out flyers to everyone going in directing them to actual doctors. For God.
It’s useful tool to see who is sane and who isn’t though.
I have an even better idea. Instead of schools, shooters can just blast youtube stars ! I mean, those guys are famous, kind of. Talk about notoriety ! Way better than random high school students with like 200 instagram followers, max !
I think saying “Republican in name only” references more how Republicans today like to say they are “the party of Lincoln” when the political ideologies are reversed from where they were in Lincoln’s time. So, yes, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt were Republicans, but they’d be seen as left of center today and would…
Lincoln was a Republican in name only. A that moment in time, he was on the liberal/moderate side of our politics (his aim was to free slaves and preserve the union—Modern Democrat).
Oh, so they think the bomber is white, huh?
It was aired to do what Fox News does best, make white people angry and afraid.
Also, I have overdosed numerous times and was saved by naltrexone twice. I now pay taxes and no longer steal from Wal-Mart.
Or, you know, have the police do the job they’re supposed to be, and already are, doing.
He ripped off rich people.
Is that picture photoshopped ? I know it’s his real face, but I mean did he really pull that mug then and there, at his sentencing ?! What a fucking piece of shit, I hope he serves every goddamn minute.
All stories are two-sided. However one faction has decided that “their side” will consist of yelling “FAKE NEWS®” at the top of their voice.
If/when Smallhands von Bonespurs finally gets on some form of witness stand, will anyone think he’s intentionally lying when he claims not to remember or outright denies what others have testified he did or said? That is to say, denying because he legitimately doesn’t remember versus lying because it’s in his own…
I really like “I specifically requested the opposite of this”