
In an interview after the fact about his feelings, a woman thing, Damore said that he was “hurt” and “betrayed.”

Probably scared of the Hollywood Scientoluminatiologists.

“No can do” and “Long time no see” are in reality word for word translations of commonly used Chinese phrases. Literally English words with Chinese grammatical rules, and originating as part of legitimate Chinese/English pidgin or trade language. Not created to make fun of Chinese people, and in fact most likely

Please don’t tell me that this movie joint was more than willing to take an L than to make a ton of money off of Black Panther. How fucking ridiculous, if that’s the case.

I don’t think of myself as anti-dog either, but I don’t want to be in a restaurant or grocery store with one, and I thank my lucky stars that I don’t have the kind of job where I’d have to go into an office that people bring their dogs into. I find that this makes me an asshole to more and more people.

I mean, Catholic lady up there spent her morning at Mass praying and look where it got her.

In a certain sense, I feel like it doesn’t even matter. The actual sitting president is a person who shouldn’t have clearance to access these kinds of materials. Like if someone else was president, it would be alarming if Trump was one of these people working in the WH without clearance. So If a bunch of people who

Surely you’re too harsh. We must remember all those MRAs who declared they were going to boycott Wonder Woman, then declared they were going to attend the all-women screening or die.

I’d greatly prefer that she donate her entire kidneys. She doesn’t even have to give them to charity, she could feed them to an alley cat, as long as it’s both and soon.

So he’ll boost the movie’s numbers by paying for his ticket, but not inflict his presence on people who want to enjoy it. I see no downside to this.

Second for fuck their thoughts and prayers. Fuck every politician’s thoughts and prayers, every single time this happens. Do something, or shut the fuck up.


Hey, attention all politicians ! Fuck your thoughts and prayers, actually do something, or shut the fuck up.

Oh ok, they won’t impeach Trump, who clearly has a serious mental illness, because most of the Republicans have a mental illness as well. That man is in Congress, and he’s that insane. That’s some seriously scary stuff.

He big mad..mad enough to pronounce all of those syllables and yet still announce plans to see the movie.

Short of revoking the mandate for public schooling, I can’t imagine something else that could so quickly change our national tone.

The thing I took away from it too, is that the proposed scheme is not really even about the immigration “problem”

The funny thing is, this GUY LITERALLY believes in a totally different reality from us.

But that’s the producers, though. I always assumed that the “market” was the whole economic system around the product.

That’s a funny comic. I read The Oatmeal sometimes, but I’ve never seen that one. And if I had seen that particular comic for the first time on the website, or in some other context it would still have been really funny. But to read it for the first time as a response to this article, I’m dying.