I thought the republicans were all about letting the market do its work.
I thought the republicans were all about letting the market do its work.
I mean, the guy who sent that email also believed that Michael Hariott was “traded to Cleveland” for bitcoins, so maybe looking for a reason, or a logical thought process leading up to why “Justin T.” and his ilk do anything is the kind of pursuit that can only end in frustration.
Yeah and even if Clinton had won, we’d probably have a Republican controlled Congress right now anyways.
Is this a joke? I’m going to go ahead and guess that, in fact, CNN does NOT make a habit of routinely giving air time to congressional candidates who have practically no chance of actually winning the election.
Haha. holy shit, I thought the cartoon was going to be at least somewhat ambiguous. Nope ! That’s so out there I almost can’t even be mad, it’s like an onion parody of a reactionary editorial cartoon.
I’m surprised Benedict Cumberbatch even likes American Football.
Maybe he should stop painting an unflattering picture of America for the world to see first.
Yeah, the flip side of the standard established here is that to those who believe that Donald Trump and his ilk aren’t racist, it means that in their eyes, in order for a white person to actually be racist, they have to be so racist that they literally will not speak to or abide the physical presence of minorities.…
Yep, a lot of folks saw the British invasion bands as untalented. Not to mention that while people remember that bands like the Beach Boys straight up stole from Black artists like Chuck Berry, a lot forget that the Rolling Stones, the Animals, etc. were just as bad if not worse with ripping off or even straight up…
That’s a real cheap shot.
but I guess convenience store clerks know better than anyone where the line is separating civilization from anarchy.
No, see, this is actually good and useful. It sets a benchmark for what exactly it takes to be considered “the least racist person you’d ever meet”. Apparently, it’s being willing to stand near a black person long enough for a shutter to click, which could be anywhere from 1/1000th to as long as 1/30th of a second,…
Thanks for the link. The word still sucks and I’ll fight this battle to the bitter end.
I grew up in Baltimore and Annapolis. Many of the times I smelled it as a kid it was from vendors, at farmer’s markets and festivals, or on the bus or train. I smelled Downy at the laundromat. There was a health food store I remember going into a couple times, but that place smelled like sandalwood or cedar. I don’t…
Holy shit, I can’t believe that’s real, that’s amazing !
I’m a life long liberal lawyer and while I don’t have a lot of faith in the court (I have no faith in Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch), I’ve gotten the impression from Roberts that he honestly cares about the legacy of the court. While I think when it comes to policy, we’ll see a lot of rubber stamping by the court, I…
I just don’t understand the angle. I get that they want to punish women and that’s why they hate reproductive freedom and all that, but in what way does it serve them to encourage avoidance of flu prophylaxis ? Are they against hand washing too ? I thought cleanliness was next to godliness. Is it just rooted in…
So Trump didn’t make a single comment about the falling stock market which he’s directly responsible for? So he’s going with the “ignore it and it will go away” option. I’m impressed, I thought he’d try to find someone else to blame.
I’m sure there’s all sorts of technical ways to dick them over, in both the House and the Senate. But see, the thing is, it got a unanimous vote to declassify the Democrat memo from the committee...unlike...