
Ooh, looks like a spontaneous game of irony badminton has broken out ! 

Sorry, derfita, but you’re wrong. There are many Republican voters who truly believe that Republicans are doing the right thing.

I hate it when people do this to. Their has to be some way to get people to understand basic grammer.

Who ever it is, they have to be ok with him cheating.

It’s SO clearly about penile inadequacy that one would almost think even Trump could see it at this point.

Attention Cops: Even if you are a “good cop”. Even if you think black people have nothing to fear from you. Even if you see a black celebrity you are a fan of. Don’t pull them over just to say hi. Pulling them over is not a friendly gesture. It’s probably equivalent to dressing up in a hockey mask, popping out on

In other words, it’s like saying “I’ll bet you $10 dollars the sky is blue”.


Yeah, a couple people have pointed out it’s genuine, so my bad on this one. Fake Churchill, Ghandi, Einstein, and MLK quotes are just so common, especially from ideologues like Clarke that, I still believe on some level that it was only by chance that he managed to post a genuine one, but I called it wrong.

You are, of course, correct. (After all, Lincoln said it best: “Never believe anything you read on the internet.”) Having said that, the sentiment is correct, even if Churchill never said it.

6. Oddly, Churchill was right—just not in a way conservatives can appreciate. To them, anything outside of their safe little box (which includes cisgenderism, Christianity OF THE PROPER KIND, whiteness, and so forth) is an unspeakable outrage and HOW DARE YOU speak out against it.

I often think of that line in relation to the White House these days and I think, and they thought Nixon’s guys were dumb...

So I’ve spent a lot of time thinking that President Pence would be just as bad, because at least Trump is incompetent, but I think I would still prefer it. I think one of the bigger dangers of Trump is the institutional damage he does. So at least Pence won’t wonder why he can’t have the DOJ investigate his enemies,

$10 says her FB profile pic is of her kissing that dog in the mouth.

As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Pence, who claims to be a Christian, supported a 2006 amendment that would have defined marriage as being between a man and a woman, The Hill reported. He said that legalizing same–sex marriage would cause a “societal collapse.”

Each and every instance of swatting should carry attempted 1st degree murder charges at a minimum and in this case, first degree murder for every one of the keyboard thugs who aided in this.

Don’t read the comments on the Kotaku version of this article, fellow Blerds. That shit will have you all the way pissed. There is the usual suspects, trying to excuse the cops actions or downplay his culpability. But one of the top comments on that article is some fool trying to say that we know the cops are trigger

Wow. Said nothing about sin, or punishing doctors or women, or any of that stuff. You read a lot into what other people say.

No, it is not “really very simple”.