
My Grandfather was Eze (king) of my family’s village and my father is his first born son. When my grandfather died, he passed on taking over because he was a professional here in America. In Igbo culture, the “natural ruler” of each village is called Eze. The title and position evolved from a combination of

I get it. You don’t think he’s evil, because you like him. Evil people have family and loved ones and pets. They usually treat them non-evilly. Even when an evil person is cruel or abusive to those close to them, which is not to say that your brother in law is cruel or abusive, but even in those sad cases, they still

You know what the best part of this whole thing is? For the rest of his life, any time Milo appears in public, he’s going to be greeted with signs and banners saying things like, “UGH DELETE” and “You’re going to need to prove your case with a lot more intellectual rigor” and “This is neither the time nor the place

No, he is not. Declaring someone “evil” based on nothing but assumptions is dismissive and cruel.

If there’s a silver lining, it’s that the next President will come in and undo all of Trump’s undoing

Sorry, he’s evil. The very best case that you could make for him is he’s selfish enough to be ok with evil if it benefits him, but many Republican voters will be hurt by Republican policies and still vote for them because they want others to be hurt more. That’s evil.

Why are journalists letting this kind of stuff slide, instead of doing their jobs and asking the tough questions screaming at the top of their lungs “FUCK YOU MARC RUBIO YOU LYING TWO FACED LITTLE PIECE OF WEASEL SHIT ASS MOTHERFUCKING PRICK !!!”

I don’t understand: do meth users claw at their faces or something?

Some of us didn’t want to stop for lunch for fear of running into the locals because it seems to us that Trump support = racist.

Remember Milo Yiannopoulos? The alt-right “provocateur” and former Breitbart columnist who toured the country on his “Dangerous Faggot Tour” while declaring “feminism is cancer” and whom every conservative idiot wanted a piece of before he appeared to condone pedophila?

The irony is, leading up to the was a panel of right wing judges that dismissed the motion to preserve the paper ballots on election day in case of a recount. Preemptively covering for their shenanigans bit them in the ass.

Go the fuck away roy moore. Go away and ride a cactus.

A 49-year-old grown-ass man stealing from a Banana Republic in New York City. /smgdh

Tell me again how PDs would have better candidates if only they paid a decent salary. Tell me again.

Don’t give up, “Judge” Moore. Only losers give up. Run again in 2020.

That ad is real ? I thought it was from The Onion or something.

But doesn’t secretary have its etymological root in the word “secret”?

I always used to think that people were being histrionic when I’d read posts talking about stories that made them shake, or break out in a sweat, or other types of physiological reactions to distasteful news stories. Now I understand it, because reading that headline caused me to feel an actual wave of nausea. I’ve

I think it has mostly to do with the idea that it won’t be as easy to find the same kind of backwardness and willfully stubborn ignorance in these places by dint of their being outside the deep south and Appalachia, which is hilariously misguided.

Yes, and I cannot tell if you’d be violating the “spirit” of these rules w/natural-look make-up. Is the point that you should appear to be someone who is upper-class but not trying too hard or is the point that you should not be cutting into the 2.14 hours of exercise per day?