The GOP and Dems already came together on a health plan, the ACA.
The GOP and Dems already came together on a health plan, the ACA.
Some of them are as racist as he is. But that’s another story that got buried in the tsunami.
Apparently he just signed it. So, that sucks, but also kind of good news midterm wise ?
I keep $20 and a roll of quarters in my car, for unexpected tolls and the occasional old timey parking meter.
“The bill sells itself,” argued Stephen Moore, one of the founders of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity,
Hey, you’d be pissed too if you didn’t get to go to Toshi Station with your friends to get those power converters. I mean, DID HE EVER GET THEM???
I love how a movie made about a woman rising to the top and sticking it to the patriarchy is seen as ‘anti-Trump’ by his idiot followers
I really felt like the one of him looking up at the eclipse summed up this whole shitshow.
Are we to believe that after Trump increased the chances of terror attacks by openly, FLAGRANTLY provoking many in the region, that he will then defund those who are helping combat terrorism in the region?
No worries, I know you didn’t really fall for it, just trying to inject some humor to keep things one standard unit above “dismal” on the general societal outlook meter.
“I don’t want to be homeless so more executive VPs can have bonuses”
We, as progressives, hated the ACA the moment democrats dropped the public option for no particular reason other than insurance companies told them to.
Eh, I feel you, but better he should busy himself with this than some of the other species of evil that hateful little elf would like to get up to.
I had to read this a couple times to understand the point being made, because it didn’t occur to me that even Hannity could do something so stupid.
Yeah, I mean cops have successfully claimed they were in “fear for their life” after shooting people in the back, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes that claim. I sadly won’t even be surprised if it gets him acquitted, it wouldn’t even be the most egregious example.
I don’t understand this picture, is he standing behind a comically oversized lectern, or getting on a wooden escalator ?
You should WANT Moore to win. If he won, the first thing the (R)‘s were going to do was launch an ethics hearing and get him thrown out. Then they get the Gov. to name a replacement until there can be another election. In the meantime, it’s a huge PR win for the Dems.
If there was any justice in the world, Roy Moore would be getting fucked with pineapple 8 hours a day instead of still trying to hold public office.
On the other hand though, the one thing I would say the Star Spangled banner has going for it, is that it’s the one well known song that might be an anthem candidate with no explicitly religious component, unless there’s something in the more obscure verses that I’m not recalling