
I hope they all get a visibly disfiguring skin disease on their faces.

If it were put to a vote, I’d probably go for “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee”. On the other hand though, the one thing I would say the Star Spangled banner has going for it, is that it’s the one well known song that might be an anthem candidate with no explicitly religious component, unless there’s something in the more

Also, it’s sung to the tune of a colonial-era drinking song. Google it.

Now that this young man has come forward, I feel I must confess:

I’ve never been big on Reebok either, and 5411 isn’t the real name of the shoe, it’s slang supposedly based on what a pair cost in Brooklyn when they first came out in the 80's. The real name that the company gave the shoe is “Freestyle”

Can people just say stuff like this without any kind of consequences? Fox is supposed to be a news outlet. Even with a conservative slant, there still have to be rules about this kind of thing, right?

Can people just say stuff like this without any kind of consequences? Fox is supposed to be a news outlet. Even with a conservative slant, there still have to be rules about this kind of thing, right?

Spoiler alert: God dies.

There are two main factions that use “globalism” as a slur: anti-Semites, for whom the word “globalism” is a stand-in for “Judaism,” and batshit Christians for whom “globalism” more or less exactly equates to the “Late, Great Planet Earth/Left Behind” Book of Revelations cinematic universe.

It’s all well and good to laugh at this obvious idiocy, but the fact that no innocents got hurt or killed when that fuckhead went to Comet Ping Pong to “investigate” a similar wacky conspiracy theory is down to sheer dumb luck, the kind that might not hold up next time

Awesome, I haven’t heard any of these !

No doubt, you can see even in the comments of this article there is a lot of evidence of at least some level of organization.

I would love to punch you in the face

I would submit that it’s necessary none of them die before 2019. There’s a better than average chance that the Republicans will lose the Senate in the midterms.

This is a return to the feudal system in tax cut disguise.

Okay, two things. 1) I don’t know what a 5411 is, and 2) I do not smear Vaseline on my face. I don’t know anybody who does. The hell?

I can’t believe that Cornell West let Richard fucking Spencer co-sign some shit he said and didn’t immediately fire back. I don’t think I’ve ever lost so much respect for a person so quickly. 2017 keeps raising the bar for foolishness.

I can’t imagine dating in this climate. A friend of mine went on a date and met the guy for coffee. She liked him and was going to go out with him again. She excused herself to the ladies room and came back to a text. He’d texted her his penis. Just like that. She paid for her coffee and left but man. I would just

Also, “I have herpes” really means “Please don’t rape me, get out of my house.” Learn how to take a hint guys

Sooooo I’m guessing Republicans just aren’t concerned with the deficit and will rectify it all by taking from Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.