
I worked on a short film where an extra told some stories about Spacey flirting aggressively with him on another film. I didn’t really give it much credence, not because I found it so unlikely that Spacey could be a creep, but because the guy telling the story was kind of an embellisher in general and definitely not

Call me unhip, but what in particular is the connection between the LGBT community and the Babadook ?

Then outperform me, demonstrate why it’s a stupid question. I think it’s entirely pertinent, unless you agree with and support Trump’s (or Spencer’s) agenda. If you can wish one success, what makes the other different ?

I liked it. I liked it better than Trevor Noah for quite a while, but Trevor’s either gotten better or grown on me, can’t really tell which.

It’s a question you can’t answer, because you’re caught out. If you can defend hoping Trump is successful, then why not Spencer ? Because you’re full of shit. As for finding stupider people to play with, I doubt I’ll be able to, even though I’m sure you’re hoping for my success.

Not to get into an argument with you on what post-disaster social re-orgs look like, but the fact that you (and Naughty Dog, et al) imagine them to be violent amoral hellscapes tells us a lot about you. People’s conceptions of order/chaos, dominance/cooperation is one of those core beliefs that informs all kinds of

Sure, if you take The Road as gospel. We built society once, and there’s nothing stopping us from doing so again.

Answer the question, do you hope Richard Spencer is successful ? Would it be no big deal in your opinion if Cranston said that he hopes Isis is successful ? If you can’t defend the position, abandon it.

Do you hope that Richard Spencer is successful ? Stick to your guns now. I’m just making comments on that comment board, it doesn’t affect your life anymore than than Cranston’s misguided attempt at seeming broad minded or your bullshit equivocation does mine, so maybe you’re the one who should get a grip. If not,

Look, fuck you troll. Hoping Trump succeeds and then saying “Well, I mean I hope he succeeds in doing exactly the opposite of what he has done and intends to do” is bullshit. Applying the same logic you’re pretending to, one might also hope that Richard Spencer, Kim Jong Un, and Isis succeed as well. Are you ready

It’s still bullshit. It’s like hoping you’ll win the lottery, or hoping an abusive spouse will stop. It’s not impossible, but almost so, and in any case it’s not helpful as a plan.

When wishing someone success, a wise person will consider what that persons goals and desires happen to be, and what the result will be if they achieve success. The success of a person with despicable goals are not to be wished for.

There is literally no reason for us to believe that Trump loves America in a way that benefits anyone who isn’t a rich white cis man one particular white cis man, who claims to be richer than he is, named Donald J Trump

Why the fuck would anyone hack the personal profile of a high school football referee to post posts that are ideologically consistent with the referee? And why wouldn’t the high school football referee just delete those posts sometime in the 9 months since the hacking, before anyone would notice it?

I can’t wait until Coca-Cola figures out how to have the anthem played every time you open a can of soda.

We progressives should definitely stop all these purity tests and work toward bipartisanship, compromise, and meeting in the middle with the party that holds knives to their colleagues throats and thinks miscarried fetuses should have funerals.

“But I think that the most likely problem of all

So how dear white people or dear people who are objecting should we protest the killing of unarmed black men and women?

If I were Lemon I’d hire the best cyber private investigators to put a name and a face to this terrorist-stalker

Eh, better they leave and be replaced than stay and provide the kind of biased officiating they probably would.