
I personally believe that in the interest of free speech, fairness and dialogue, these guys should be given a platform to speak at any university they wish. However, I also believe that provision of this platform must be contingent on them delivering whatever remarks they wish to make, not from a lectern on a stage,

The problem is his base is not nearly big enough to get him re-elected if he continues to piss off the mainstream conservatives. Not that they’ll vote Democrat or anything, but they will just stay at home and sit on their hands on election day.

Read the quote in Lewis Black’s voice. Trust me.

Eh, it’s a victory if he faces any real consequences, but don’t hold your breath.

No. Acording to Trump only “some” of Nazis and white supremacists are good people.

But, I think for many death penalty advocates, suffering is actually their unspoken desire.

Why are US police so violent towards everybody? Are they afraid? Insecure? Misogynists? Wannabe-army?

I play this game with my friends, where we try to think of something we wouldn’t believe Donald Trump said or did. Nobody ever wins, even if they think of something.

As minorities, the group comprised mainly of Chaldean Christians and Iraqi Kurds face the risk of persecution, torture, and death by terrorist groups at home.

Point is, I feel as bad for that bug as I do this subhuman slime.

Even if it was “a few bad apples”, you never see all these supposed “good cops” taking a stand against bad cops. That’s why the woman was afraid, her reaction is completely rational. Even if that cop didn’t want to violate her rights or murder her, the fact is that if he did, there is an extremely small chance that he

Waiting for “Bills with black people on them are easier to counterfeit, that’s just science”

Waiting for “Bills with black people on them are easier to counterfeit, that’s just science”

No, this is a poorly thought out joke.

Ultimately I don’t really care. But maybe it’s the artist in me that just appreciates statues in general.

Nope. Buku.

Still doubly wrong:

It’s spelled “Tucson”. And criminal Arpaio was elected sheriff buku times

I mean, there’s always the chance that they’ll argue over who gets to kick your ass first, and end up shooting each other for a change. Maybe it’s a long shot, but seriously, how great would that be ?

I hope all the spiders infesting his respective reproductive and excretory regions are taken away, and he doesn’t even get a chance to say goodbye, and cries everyday because now he is truly alone, without even the spiders.